North Korea – New approaches, the 7th International Conference on North Korean Human Rights & Refugees, will this year be held in Bergen, Norway, between 9 and 11 May. Organisers are The Rafto Human Rights House in Bergen and The Citizens´ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights. We hope that the diverse participation from a wide range of fields will create a framework that will not only enhance dialogue between different views, but also link human rights issues to international security, humanitarian aid, and economic development. (08-MAY-06)
The purpose of the conference is to contribute to the improvement of the human rights situation in North Korea by:
* Raising key issues, and bringing these issues to the attention of a wide range of people in the international community.
* Seeking answers to North Korean human rights challenges by facilitating discussions between people with a variety of views and perspectives.
* Pointing out possible strategies for the road ahead.
Potential bridge builders
The conference will have a broad international participation. Some of the contributors do not primarily have a human rights agenda, but due to their activities, they have a potential of being bridge builders also in the human rights field. We wish to involve representatives from various groups who might have such a potential: People within the areas of science, media, arts, sports and trade.
We anticipate that this conference will ignite new dialogues and approaches to developing effective strategies in improving the human rights situation in North Korea.
The conference is free of charge. Please register at
The conference sessions include :
* The Human Rights Situation in North Korea.
* Refugees & Migrants. The Situation in the People´s Republic of China. The Migration-Trafficking Nexus .
* North Korea – Humanitarian and development assistance perspective. A rights based approach.
* Regional and international strategies – the political perspective.
* Economic relations and democratic development in North Korea.
* Sports in politics. Politics in sports.
* Press freedom in a world of censorship. Informants, source liability and credibility.
* The arts – a tool for democracy?
In addition there is a film documentary side-program, Jonathan Barnbrook´s exhibition “North Korea building the brand” and a Good Practice forum.
Key speakers include :
Vitit Muntarbhorn , UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the DPRK, Jonas Gahr Støhre, Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs , Kjell Magne Bondevik, former Prime Minister of Norway. Geoffrey Nyarota , Zimbabwe, UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize 2002. Paul Beijer , Ambassador, Special Advisor to the Swedish Government on DPRK, Marcus Noland, The Institute for International Economics, Washington. Nita Rudra, University of Pittsburgh, USA, Aidan Foster-Carter, Leeds University, UK, Halvor Fossum Lauritzsen, International and National Aid Div., Norwegian Red Cross, Kay Seok, Asia Division, Human Rights Watch, Nam Sung Wook, Department of North Korean Study, Korea University, Vincent Brossel, Reporters Without Boarders, Igor Blazevic, Director of One World Festival, Prague
For more information, please visit our web pages:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
The Citizens`Alliance and the Rafto Human Rights House warmly invite everyone interested in the North Korean issue to take part in transforming ideas into action by participating in our conference.
The conference is organized in cooperation with :
The Nordic Media Festival, Bergen National Academy of the Arts, The Chr. Michelsen Institute, Human Rights House Foundation, People in Need Foundation, US Committee for North Korean Human Rights, Swedish Helsinki Foundation, Anti Slavery International, The Rafto Foundation, Bergen International Festival, BIT20 Ensemble, Bergen Kino.
With the support of:
Trond Mohn, The Freedom of Expression Foundation, The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, City of Bergen, National Endowment for Democracy and Chosun Ilbo