The report for March 2010, contains two chapters, one on public events and violations of democratic principles, and the other on police and court cases in the Republic of Macedonia.

The HCHR in MK focused in the first chapter on dangerous (political) games in the Constitutional Court, but also on the Constitution in general; the case of judge Violeta Duma and the Judicial Council; the Law on Protection and Prevention Against Discrimination which has passed despite of the warnings of NGOs and Europe; optional Protocol to establish a complaints/communications procedure – Convention on the Rights of the Child, and on analysis of the situation of fundamental human rights in the psychiatric hospitals in Macedonia – which is at the same time, also an announcement for special report.

Second chapter of the report covers right to fair trial – the case of Fuat Neziri from Tetovo; effective jail sentence for maltreatment while performing the duty – the case of Nexhbi Jashari, also Tetovo, and the importance of the rights guaranteed by law – the case of Vase Kitanovski from Kratovo.

Full monthly report of the HCHR in MK for March 2010, is available at the official website of the HCHR.