Srdjan Dizdarevic, the president of the Board of HRH Sarajevo
”The mere fact that 47 countries participated in the dialogue, and brought up 125 Recommendations to our Government, suggests that members of the United Nations do monitor carefully the human rights situation in our country. This further requires carriers of BiH authorities to take adequate measures to improve this situation and ensure full implementation of UN standards in this area”, said Srdjan Dizdarevic, the president of the Board of the HRH Sarajevo.
The UPR report for B&H adopted last month by the Working Group for the UPR, has to be adopted at a plenary session of the Human Rights Council in June this year, by a resolution or decision. The next UPR session of B&H should show the results and concrete measures taken by the state of B&H in regards to the adopted UPR recommendations.
Having that in mind, on behalf of the Informal coalition of NGOs, Human Rights House of Sarajevo suggested in its letter, that the B&H Government adopts all the recommendations that are based on the conventions which are already ratified by the United Nations. In doing so, HRH Sarajevo especially points out the importance of following recommendations:
To achieve consistent and practical application of all UN’s standards relating to the human rights, including the application of all already ratified instruments;
To devote special attention to the fight against racism, ethnic, and religious intolerance and to make more effective mechanisms against discrimination;
To create the political, legal and material conditions for the institution of Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina as an independent body, in accordance with the Paris Principles;
To be guaranteed freedom of expression and media freedom, ensured by all the mechanisms of protection that are available to the authorities;
To allow normal operation and effective protection of the fighters for human rights;
To devote special attention to the protection of vulnerable groupes and their rights, especially children, women, persons with disabilities, Roma, sexual and gender minorities, returnees, victims of war and all those whose human rights were and are often severly violated.
HRH Sarajevo also suggested to BH authorities, a creation of the strategy and action plan for the protection of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and making of the appropriate mechanisms of monitoring of the application of the measures agreed and obligations accepted.
HRH Sarajevo also expressed its readiness and willingness to participate in the implementation of all measures and actions aimed at protection of human rights and their promotion, reminding the authorities that the Informal NGO Coalition for the UPR, will systematically monitor the implementation of the recommendations to be adopted at the session of the Human Rights Council in June 2010.
”We hope that in four years, until the next debate on Bosnia, the situation will be significantly enhanced”, said Mr. Dizdarevic.
- Letter to BH authorities
HRH Sarajevo’s letter to BH authorities regarding the adoption of the UPR Recommendations (in Bosnian).