Mariabilde.jpgBeritbilde.jpgMaria Dahle, far left, and Berit Lindeman, left, will promote the Human Rights House concept at the workshop based assembly running from February 1st to 4th. More than 600 people from a wide spectre of NGOs will attend and HRH expects to make plenty of new contacts from which it is the hope that further expansion of the HRH network can be built. Topical workshops include Teaching Civic Education, Confronting the Challenges to Press Freedom, Indigenous Approaches to Press Freedom, Ensuring Vital and Open Legislatures: The Nongovernmental Role, How can the Legitimacy and Accountability of NGOs be Ensured Without Increasing their Vulnerability? and NGO coalitions: Strategies to Defend the Independence of NGOs. There will also be regional workshops on all different regions of the world, skills-sharing and capacity building workshops, plenary sessions and panel discussions.

HRH has been invited to give a lecture at the School of Development Studies and Centre for Civil Society at the University of Natal, also in Durban, and once again to present the Human Rights House concept.