The Norwegian Human Rights House will on the 7th of December arrange a seminar that focuses on whether we in Norwegian media have hidden xenophobia and if so: of what does it consist? Which consequences may it have? Do the media contribute to an unnecessary polarization between “us” and “the others”, meaning those of another colour, religion or set of values? These and many more are the questions that The Norwegian Human Rights House wants to raise with well-known media personalities and investigators who are invited to the seminar. (05-DEC-06) 

Hidden xenophobia in Norwegian media?
The Norwegian Human Rights House’s before-Christmas seminar:


10.00: Welcome by Bjørn Engesland, General Secr.of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC)
10.15: Introductions
            by Anne Hege Simonsen, journalist: The “hidden” xenophobia – today and before
            and Runar Døving: muslimophobia
Comments by/ Anne Aasheim, Editor, Dagbladet

11.30  Debatt led by the professor Rune Ottosen from Høgskolen i Oslo
12.15  the Danish perspective by /Anders Jerichow, journalist in Politiken and General Secr         Danish PEN: Self-censorship in Denmark?

13.00:  lunch
14.00 Panel debate: “We and them” – does the media create unnecessary polarisation?
            Leading the debate: Gunnar Karlsen, Ass.Gen.Secretary, NHC
            Panel: Knut Olav Åmås, debattredaktør i Aftenposten, Haddy Jatou N´jie, artist i
            Queendom; Ingrid Vik, leder av Nansen Dialog Nettverk
16.00: Closure

Open for all – Welcome!