‘’HCHR decided to give a graphic insight into the activities that HCHR conducted in 2009, in order to make our thematic, but also geographic areas of work more transparent to our project beneficiaries and also, to wider public. Therefore, this map represents a simplified review of the implemented activities by HCHR in year 2009“, said Mirsad Pandzic, coordinator of the HCHR in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The map contains graphic review of the main HCHR’s project, such as:

  • Provision of the free legal aid to the citizens of B&H;
  • Monitoring of execution of the criminal sanctions in B&H;
  • Civil society and local community;
  • Monitoring of human rights to a healthy environment;
  • Human rights education for youth.

Map of the activities, along with the short summary of HCHR’s projects, can be found in the document attached to this article.
