Srdjan Dizdarevic, who until now was the President of the HCHR for fifteen years (since the day of its establishment), opened the Assembly with words that even fifteen years after the founding of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in B&H, the statement that was heard on the day of its establishment, can be repeated today as well. There still is a dramatic gap between adopted and declared values of civil society and the real situation of human rights in B&H. Despite the fact that that the most important human rights standards are in force, we still cannot talk about the equality of all people who live in B&H, or that the state is really protecting its citizens.
New acting president and acting members of the Steering Board elected
The Assembly was an opportunity to elect and announce new acting president of the HCHR, Sinan Alic, following the adoption of the proposal of the acting members of the temporary Steering Board of HCHR, on a period up to 6 months. During that time, the members of the Assembly are to propose 2-3 candidates for the position of the future President of the HCHR, and to also propose candidates for the future structure of the Steering Board of the HCHR. Acting members of temporary Steering Board are: Milos Purkovic, Sinan Alic, Zeljka Mihaljevic, Zivica Abadzic, Naida Softic, Jasmina Babic, and Enver Murgic. As closing activity, members of the Assembly also adopted the planning documents for the activities of HCHR in 2010 (documents attached).
Implemented activities by HCHR in 2009
Regarding the last year’s HCHR activities, Mr. Dizdarevic pointed out that HCHR was particularly concerned about human rights situation in the environment, a topic that will in the coming years surely be the subject of public interest and the interest of the Committee: “We worked on the training of local communities for dealing with the protection of human rights. Municipality is a place where you articulate the needs of the citizen with the question of human rights is inseparable from the local community. We visited all the prisons in BiH in order to look at state institutions in prison angle instruments that prohibit torture and establish international standards. In the framework of cooperation with sister organizations, we have advocated for the practice to which all citizens should have health care.”
Forecoming activities of the HCHR: Focus to EU
This year HCHR is planning to monitor the execution of the obligations of BiH in the field of application of the Convention of the United Nations. In an effort to contribute to strengthening the rule of law, HCHR will monitor the work of the courts at all levels. With regard to the maintenance of general elections in October, it will particularly intend to follow a campaign of political parties as well as the work of media during the campaign, all intended to contribute to the elections are fair and democratic. Also, it will continue to start implementing projects in the field of environment, human rights and local authorities.
The next phase in the work of this Committee will be marked, as it was so far, by numerous and diverse activities. However, one common denominator on which the Committee intends to engage is the realization of ideas and ambitions of the citizens of BH country to join the European family of civilized nations by joining the European Union.
"Efforts of the Helsinki Committee will therefore go in the direction of acceptance of European standards and criteria in B&H, the effort will be made until they become the property of each individual", said Mr. Dizdarevic at the General Assembly.
- Daily Agenda of the Assembly
Daily Agenda of the HCHR’s Assembly (in Bosnian). - Planned Activities for 2010
Plan of activities for HCHR in 2010
More photos:

HCHR’s General Assembly, Sarajevo, February 2010