The presentation was attended by the participants and experts of “Development of gender sensitivity in Belarus” project aimed at the promotion and development of gender awareness and gender sensitivity in the Belarusian society as well as representatives of partner organizations. During a presentation the creators showed film “Dress” and the toolkit “Gender literacy basics”. Presentation was made by Nadzeya Husakouskaya – a leading expert of the project – who pointed out the uniqueness of the presented materials.

The experts Alena Minchenia and Volha Sasunkevich through interactive tasks and lively discussion presented the “Gender literacy basics” which was released under their edition 

“The uniqueness of this material is that the texts were prepared not by the experts, but by ordinary women with active position and different background. We had an important task – to link texts of different styles and we succeeded. The format of the toolkit is unique as each subject has a theoretical basis and a glossary, “- said Alena Minchenia.

In turn Volha Sasunkevich noted the flexible structure of the brochure, which features four modules connected to each other, but which constitute some kind of assembly kit. Twelve topics are arranged in such a way so that they can be easily combined with each other. Another feature of the presented materials is that they include a separate block of exercises that can be used to adapt the interactive group work to gender issues.

Volha Petrukovich – text editor and author of the topics – told the audience about the work with the materials on controversial topics such as the role of women in politics: “During the work with the texts it was important to present material in such a way so that people without predetermined point of view or with the opposite point of view could hear me, because I know how difficult it is to write texts of the authors whose position you do not share. “

The organizers also presented film “The Dress” which is a product of work of multiple authors.The authors have collected five women’s stories in one piece, which was the first feminist documentary.


The project “Development of gender sensitivity in Belarus” was carried out in 2011-2012 by Belarusian Human Rights House in cooperation with the Center for Gender Studies of European Humanities University, the Belarusian Association of Journalists, NGO “Legal Initiative “, the International Center for Gender Initiatives: “Adliga: Women for full citizenship “, civic association “Third Sector Сentre”. The project was aimed at the promotion and development of gender awareness and gender sensitivity in the Belarusian society in order to promote genuine gender equality and respect for women’s rights in Belarus.

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