Azerbaijani opposition, which is living the uneasy post-election period (November 2005) and at the same time pre-election period (repeated elections in May 2006), undergoes certain transformations. Musavat party plans restructuring and adoption of new programmes on the congress in May. The party leader clarifies the cooperation strategy within the party. The classical wing of PPFA transformed into the Classical Popular Front Party with new programme and charter. The political Azadlig Bloc, which was transformed from the election bloc in last February, plans to create a single headquarters to monitor elections, thoughnot participating in them. (26-MAR-2006)
Written by HRH Baku/Shahla Ismailova; photos by Turan Information Agency
Musavat Party, which left the election bloc Azadlig in February 2006, plans to hold the congress in upcoming May. According to the party leader Isa Gambar (on the top) the efforts of the party will be aimed at the creation of concepts, programs and bills, to be submitted to the government”. The congress will strengthen the party and democracy in the party”, said Isa Gambar. In regards to the cooperation within the party, the party leader said that such cooperation is possible only by maintaining the “constrictive leadership” in Musavat Party.
The party will continue to fight against corruption, try to provide public control regarding the transparency of oil income, and the activities of the State Oil Fund of the Azerbaijan Republic and Heydar Aliyev Fund. Musavat´s leader believes these funds promote the spread of corruption. According to him, the party´s activity ensures the strengthening of relations with local and foreign mass media, and the creation of new independent mass media and issues. It was mentioned that Musavat is interested in strengthening relations with international structures. Isa Gambar commented on relations with Azadlig Bloc, Musavat´s former allies. According to him, statements by his former allies about changes in Musavat´s opposition activity, the impossibility of cooperation between “Musavat” and opposition parties, and violation of commitments are absolutely wrong.
Transformation to the Classical Popular Front Party Today, on the 26-th of March there has been held the fifth-congress of the classical wing of Popular Front party, which was created in autums of 2000 after the split in the PPFA. Before the congress a group of delegates visited the grave of Abulfaz Elchibey (the founder of the Party). According to the party leader Mirmakhmud Miralioglu (on the right), the congress is aimed at summarizing the results of the party´s activities during the period since the last congressional session. During the second part of the congress, it is planned to create a new organization, which is to be called the Classical Popular Front Party, adopt regulations and the program of the new party, elect its chairman and members of Central Control Audit Commission and Supreme Mejlis.
Azadlig Bloc will create the headquarters to monitor elections
On March 17 there was held the first session of “Azadlig” (Freedom) Political Bloc (“Azadlig” unites the Democratic Party, Popular Front Party, National Unity Movement and AMIP branch led by Ali Aliyev), which was focused on a package of proposals on main direction of the Bloc´s political activity and the Karabakh conflict.
Issues surrounding Southern Azerbaijan were also touched on; however the opinions on this matter differed. Some proposed to discuss the matter, and others proposed to consider only Azerbaijan´s internal problems. Head of the Mejlis, Gulamhuseyn Alibeyli, suggested “Azadlig” Bloc be turned into an alternative political force center, and that it determine its ideological and social policies, and create special mass media. Concerning the Karabakh conflict all participants agreed that the conflict must be solved with consideration of Azerbaijan´s national interest and territorial integrity. The second session of the Bloc´s Mejlis, which will discuss settlement of the Karabakh conflict, will take place on April 15.
The most unexpected decision of Azadlig Bloc was the decision to create a single headquarters to monitor elections, because the Azadlig Bloc decided not to participate in the repeat elections of May 2006.