Freedom House published its annual report on media situation in the world  for 2004. The report,  Freedom of the Press: A Global Survey of Media Independence provides numerical rankings and rates each country’s media as “Free,” “Partly Free,” or “Not Free.”  Azerbaijan was indicated at 158th place with a status of “not free media”. In 2004, due to the absence of an independent judiciary as well as significant financial pressures, the Azerbaijani press remained dependent on the government and the oligarchs. (30-APR-2005)

  The constitution guarantees freedom of speech and the right of citizens   to receive information freely. However, in 2004, due to the absence of an   independent judiciary as well as significant financial pressures, the press   remained dependent on the government and the oligarchs.

newspaper photo Azerb

The 1999 Law on Mass   Media regulates the press. The government used criminal defamation suits,  which allow for 3-year prison sentences and high fines, to harass and   bankrupt journalists and media outlets. Amidst a slew of criminal and civil  libel lawsuits this year, in a positive development, criminal defamation   charges were dropped against Irada Huseynova, an exiled journalist. In 2004,   parliament adopted the Law on Public Television, which provides for the   transformation of Azerbaijan State Television, the largest broadcaster,   into a public television station. International experts and observers have   criticized the law and whether it provides for adequate implementation and  a completely independent public television station. An improved draft of   the Law on Freedom of Information was submitted to Parliament and is expected  to be adopted during the spring 2005 session. Mass media have self-regulation  bodies, the Press Council and the Broadcasting Council, but these remain   under tight official control. Likewise, the National Council for Television   and Radio, which is charged with issuing licenses and monitoring broadcasts,  is inefficient and dependent on the government, and did not issue any  licenses during the year.     

Government stifled opposition media
Reporters continue to face intimidation and attacks at the hands of the   authorities. Editorial staff of the weekly Monitor, Elmar Huseinov and Einulla  Fatullaeva, were prosecuted and physically harassed, while Aydin Guliyev,   editor of the opposition Baki Khabar, was kidnapped and beaten in July.   Harassment of the opposition following the presidential election in October   2003 has affected mass media as well. Rauf Arifoglu, editor of the popular   opposition daily, Yeni Musavat, was detained following the elections and in   October 2004 was sentenced to 5 years in prison for taking part in mass   protests after the election.  More than 40 independent or opposition newspapers and over 20 television and  radio stations operate, and the print media in particular provide diverse,   if partisan, views. However, the government or ruling elite own most of the   printing presses, which print only state-owned or pro-government publications;   Chap Evi, the sole independent printing press, had its electricity cut off   several times throughout the year and was pressured to relocate. The government  also hinders distribution of the opposition press by harassing independent   newspaper vendors. The major source of news remains government-controlled   television and radio and the opposition has no access to television programs.  

The government requires Internet Service Providers to receive formal licenses  from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies. A population  too poor to buy newspapers, an underdeveloped market for advertising, and   monopoly in the most profitable economic spheres are the main reasons why the   press is a non-profit activity in Azerbaijan and is financially dependent on   its sponsors. A new tendency which was manifest by the end of the year is  that talented journalists from opposition or independent newspapers are  lured by higher salaries and fees to publications controlled by   government-friendly monopolies, reads the report.