The six citizens known as the “Algerian Group”, who were extradited by the Bosnian authorities to the US, have been detained in the Guantanamo base for over three years. Although they were arrested and extradited under suspicion of planning terrorist activities, no terrorism investigation has been conducted against them. (26-APR-05)

The extradition was carried out contrary to decisions of the Supreme Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Human Rights Chamber, despite the fact that these decisions were binding for the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the extradition, the Human Rights Chamber obliged the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina to take concrete measures and help the six detainees. This included measures for their return to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Unfortunately, the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina have not, in the past three years, taken relevant steps, and the concern for these six citizens remained with their families, non-governmental organizations and a group of US lawyers who volunteered to defend the extradited and detained citizens.

After a detailed examination of the case, the US lawyers suggested to the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina to appoint persons for negotiations with the US authorities for the return of the Guantanamo detainees to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Council of Ministers did make a decision on the start of negotiations, but there was no follow-up.

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has stressed the violation of human rights of the “Algerian Group” by the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the very beginning, is inviting Prime Minister, Mr. Adnan Terzic, to appoint an authorized negotiator with the US administration as soon as possible and thus initiate return of the six citizens whose human rights, guaranteed by the European Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, have been violated fiercely by decisions of the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the letter of the Prime Minister to the US administration, he requested only four of six detainees to be released, which cannot in any way be justified. This is primarily because of the fact that the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina is obliged to protect rights of all citizens that find themselves on its territory equally, as well as the fact that the extradition process against the two detainees has been unfounded, as they are not fugitives but were extradited by the will of the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Helsinki Committee sincerely hope that Prime Minister will take all necessary measures as soon as possible to finally protect human rights of these six citizens and appease their suffering, for which the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina are responsible.