Serbian Authorities didn’t adopted the Declaration on Srebrenica which is made by eight Serbian NGO`s. Members the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia refused to adopt the Declaration if it’s not include the other crimes wich had happened during the war in nineteen’s, and especially crimes against Serbs in Croatia.

Predrag Markovic, President of the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, said that members of the Parliament could not agree on what crimes Declaration should include. Members of Democratic Party requested that Srebrenica crime should be underlined and specially
condemned, but members of the other parties ware against it, and asked that all crimes from the past war should threat equally.

Until today, it is not known when and will Declaration on Srebrenica be adopted, and in what formulation.

Some members of Serbian authorities, as well as some of politicians condemn refusing of adopting the Declaration in the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.