This research, CURE Foundation conducted as part of its educational initiative “Know Your Rights and Herstory (Women’s History), Empower and Activate Yourself! “, which is financially supported by the Swiss CFD feminist organizations. The research assessed to what extent are young people in BiH familiar with the problem of violence, existing forms of violence, and the existence of the SOS hotline for the victims of violence in BiH, and their knowledge of laws in BiH that protect the victims of violence and punish perpetrators. 

‘’This survey helped us to get a clear picture of the current situation in Bosnia when it comes to understanding of youth on the problem of violence. The survey clearly shows that children and young people know the definition of violence, but very often cannot recognize all its forms in practice. More than 50% of the respondents do not know that there are emergency phones for victims who have suffered violence, and do not know that in BiH there are laws that protect victims and punish perpetrators’’, said Berina Dzumhur Meheljic, CURE researcher.

The age of the respondents was between 14 to 31 years, and the analysis results of the questionnaire show that the total number of children and young people out of 306 ( or 98% ) stated that they know what violence is, 2 or ( 1% ) did not know and 2 or ( 1% ) did not give any answer. According to the results, children and young people know what is violence, but do not recognized it, along with its different forms, only 66 respondents ( or 7 % ) declared economic violence as a form of violence. 

‘’Results of the survey were distributed to schools, colleges, individuals, institutions in BiH, with aim to point out that violence is not a problem just one family has, but that that’s a problem of society and that we should act jointly and openly talk about this problem, and inform young people about this issue in BiH society’’, said Berina.
