Prime Minister
Mr Nikola Spiric
Fax: ++387 (33) 211 464

19 Sept 2008

Re: Harassment of sexual minorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear Minister, 

Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) is deeply concerned about recent manifestations of intolerance against homosexuals in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

Earlier this month, some religious and political leaders in BiH expressed their intolerance against homosexuals in relation to the announcement of the first Queer festival ever in the country, from the 24th to the 28th of September. The festival, that will take place in Sarajevo, is arranged by the civil society organisation ‘Q Association’. In and around Sarajevo, posters expressing the same intolerance are inciting violence against homosexuals.

HRHF strongly condemns all hate speech, and takes this opportunity to express its disappointment with the BiH authorities’ silence with which the campaign against the Festival and its organisers so far has been met. HRHF urges the BiH authorities to observe their primary responsibility to protect all their citizens, without exception. HRHF urges the same authorities to reiterate the universal right to freedom of assembly and provide protection to all participants to the forthcoming Queer festival.

Yours sincerely,

Maria Dahle
Executive Director
Human Rights House Foundation

Copies to:
Ministry of civil affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Sredoje Novic
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Tarik Sadovic
Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Safet Halilovic
Prime Minister of Canton Sarajevo, Mr Samir Silajdzic
Speaker of the Parliamentary Assembly of Canton Sarajevo, Mr Denis Zvizdic
Mayor of Sarajevo, Ms Semiha Borovac
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Section for the West Balkans
The Standing Committee for Foreign Affairs of the Norwegian Parliament
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Norwegian Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Norway