The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) rapporteurs on Azerbaijan Andreas Gross (Switzerland) and Andreas Herkel (Estonia) visited Baku on August 4-9 to monitor Azerbaijan´s compliance with the commitments made to the CE upon its admission. They are also expected to prepare a report upon completion of their visit to be heard by the CE Monitoring Committee in September. (14 August 2004)


The PACE rapporteurs met with human rights activists, leaders of political parties represented in the Milli Majlis (parliament), and the Azerbaijani representatives at the PACE. They also met with Azerbaijani parliament speaker, cabinet ministers and executives of the Baku City Police Department. The CE rapporteurs were also received by President Ilham Aliyev. They also visited the northern and north-western regions of Azerbaijan. 

In a one-hour meeting with human rights activists, the commitments Azerbaijan made to the CE upon admission were discussed. The parties focused on the trials of opposition activists arrested during the October 15-16, 2003 riots. Gross stated that these issues are in the focus of the PACE rapporteurs and will be put on discussion at the CE session in fall. “We will not make any concessions or turn a blind eye to what is going on”, Gross said. Leaders of political parties represented in the parliament said in a meeting with the CE representatives that Europe is not willing to address the rights of Azerbaijani refugees and that the political and economic relations in Azerbaijan will not be brought to the CE standards until the Upper Garabagh conflict is settled. “The CE´s position is unreasonable, as it advocates for protecting the rights of all people but disregards the fact that the rights of the entire Azerbaijani nation are blatantly violated,” leader of the Party of Civil Solidarity Sabir Rustamkhanli said. A representative of the Party of Civil Solidarity Fazayil Ibrahimli criticized the CE´s position on the Upper Garabagh conflict. He said the organization considers the Azerbaijani nation as the culprit and is trying to impose its ideas on the people. “A lot of foreign embassies are operating in Azerbaijan and they are well aware of country´s problems. Therefore, the international community may acquire information on the country without Gross visiting Azerbaijan,” Ibrahimli said. Gross said the position of the Council of Europe toward Azerbaijan is “unique”. “The CE parliament members are far from imposing their views on the Azerbaijani people. They are just expressing their views on certain issues. The last say will be up to the people and the government of Azerbaijan”, Gross said. Touching upon the Upper Garabagh conflict, Gross said the PACE aspires to eliminate its consequences. “We hoped that Azerbaijan and Armenia would come to terms on the conflict settlement after the two countries are admitted to the CE. Unfortunately, this did not take place,” he said. The CE rapporteur said it would be unfair to explain Azerbaijan´s existing problems with the aftermath of the conflict.

Report due in September

A number of Council of Europe committees are due to meet in Strasbourg, France in September, MP Asim Mollazada, a member of the Azerbaijani delegation at the PACE, said. Mollazada noted that the CE Monitoring Committee will hear the above-mentioned PACE report. According to Mollazada, after hearing the report the committee will pass a decision on whether it will be put on agenda at the PACE October session.

Azerbaijan can ´reaffirm positive int´l image´

Samad Seyidov, head of the Azerbaijani delegation at the PACE, said in a meeting with the PACE rapporteurs that Azerbaijan has fulfilled its commitments to the Council of Europe and will continue to take constructive steps in this area. Gross said it was appropriate to exchange views in September on Azerbaijan´s forthcoming municipal elections. “If the municipal elections in Azerbaijan comply with European standards, the country may show that positive changes are taking place in the region,” he said. The PACE rapporteur underlined that by holding fair elections Azerbaijan will once again reaffirm its positive image to the international community.

President receives rapporteurs

On Friday, President Ilham Aliyev received the PACE rapporteurs. President Aliyev expressed a hope that the visit would serve the development of successful cooperation between Azerbaijan and PACE. Aliyev said the rapporteurs´ fruitful talks in Baku were important for conveying the successes the country has achieved over the recent years to the European community. Touching upon the meetings held so far, Gross said that the rapporteurs had visited the Baku Deepwater Jacket Factory and the Sangachal Terminal and expressed his satisfaction with the conditions provided for the workers.