The investigation of the Beslan terrorist act is still not finished. It opened new facts which leave in doubt official facts and discredits the actions of the government. Eye witness evidence shows that there were more terrorists in the school then the Prosecutor’s facts say. Knowing this: who is responsible for arresting the rest of the terrorists, and are the proper authorities looking for them? There are a lot of questions about the Russian military using a flame-thrower. (06-SEP-05)
According to witnesses, a lot of people died because of the explosion and fire which was caused, not by terrorist bombs, but by the Russian army using a flame-thrower and tanks on the school. At first the Prosecutor and military deny the fact of using a flame-thrower, but when all the witness showed the opposite the Prosecutor stopped denying it. In self justification, the military said that they shot at the school when there weren’t people.
The parents of killed children are disappointed as to how the investigation was lead. They accuse the government for the fact that nobody has yet to be punished. They want to know who was responsible for rescuing the children, who gave the order to shoot at the hostages with a flame-thrower.
The parents finally obtained a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation only after a year. Finally this meeting took place, but it was fixed on the 2nd of September – the day of memorial for those who died in the Beslan tragedy. The parents were insulted because on this day, by tradition, they should be standing at the graves of their children, mourning them. That is why only few parents agreed to come to meet with the President.
The Levada Centre led a sociological opinion poll which showed that only 52% of Russians think that the government did everything possible to save the hostages. An absolute majority of Russians think that the truth is being covered up about the storming of the school. 34% of respondents said that the government only tried to save their own face and didn’t think about the hostages’ life.