Ihar Pastnou is a psychiatrist working at the Vitebsk Regional Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology. Over the past 18 months he was constantly criticizing government policy and the management of health care in the city, filming his interviews and uploading to the Youtube channel. In his interviews he has raised such urgent issues as medical errors and misuse of funds. In June 2013, Ihar Pastnou criticized the police’s use of in-patient psychiatric testing to deal with homeless people and vagrants.
For the outspoken criticism Ihar Pastnou has had conflicts with his managers. On 16 August a Psychiatric Commission at the hospital where Pastnou worked, concluded that he required forced psychiatric treatment for a “psychopathic personality disorder with a mania for persecuting the authorities”. On 21 August the Vitebsk Regional Court ruled in a closed sitting that Ihar Pastnou should be forcibly treated in the Vitebsk Regional Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology. The court order stated that Ihar Pastnou required psychiatric treatment against his will because of a “persistent delusional disorder” which presented a danger to himself and others. The court order does not explain how Ihar Pastnou represents a danger to society and mentions only his publications on the internet.The case was tried in his absence. The court’s decision does not provide sufficient justification of his inability to participate in the process, and has given only a formal reason, which makes it possible to try the case in the absence of a citizen, – the state of his health.
The Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center “Viasna” noted in the joint statement: “Our concern is caused by the fact that forced hospitalization and medical treatment were used towards Ihar Pastnou after he exercised criticism about the state of medicine in the Vitsebsk region and pointed at violations of the law by the heads of the medical institutions. Moreover, the petition for the involuntary hospitalization was filed by the chief physician of the Vitsebsk regional clinical center of psychiatry and narcology, which actions were also criticized by Ihar Pastnou.”
“Holding the trial behind closed doors without sufficient justification is contrary to the principle of transparency in the administration of justice and of itself is a violation of the right to a fair trial. It is clear that the violation of the rights of Ihar Pastnou to a fair trial has caused the violation of his right to personal integrity. These actions, in addition to all, violate the guarantee of freedom of opinion and freedom of expression. We call on the authorities to immediately release Ihar Pastnou from the psychiatric hospital and review the decision on his involuntary hospitalization in an open trial in compliance with established procedures and principles of a fair trial.” – is said in a statement of the Belarusian human rights defenders.
Amnesty International reminds the states of the obligation to protect freedom of expression
Meanwhile, the international human rights organization Amnesty International sent a formal appeal to the authorities of Belarus, in which it reminds about the obligation of states to protect freedom of expression and to allow robust debate about public figures and institutions.Expressing concern that Ihar Pastnou may have been arbitrarily detained because of his legitimate criticism of the health care system in the Vitebsk region, the international human rights defenders are calling to send appeals to the Belarusian authorities:
– reminding the authorities that involuntary psychiatric treatment should only be used in cases of severe mental illness when it is likely that that person will cause immediate or imminent harm to themselves of others;
– asking them to ensure that a second psychiatric expert commission examines Ihar Pastnou to identify the nature of the risk he poses to himself and others;
– urging them to ensure that Ihar Pastnou is offered adequate legal advice and access to a lawyer to be able to prepare his appeal.
It is also noted in the appeal of Amnesty International that Belarus has systematically violated the right to freedom of expression and individuals who criticize the authorities often face prosecution.
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