The consideration of the report was held in the framework of the 47th session of the United Nations Committee against Torture.

First part of the review of Belarus on 11 November 2011

Webcast provided by the Human Rights House Network and the Centre for Civil and Political Rights

In addition to the state report the Committee members considered the information submitted by non-governmental organizations. Various non-governmental organizations have submitted their reports, including a group of independent Belarusian human rights NGOs with the support of Penal Reform international, Belarusian Human Rights House in exile and the Human Rights House Foundation: Committee “Solidarity”, Law Initiative, the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, Centre for Legal Transformation, the Platform, and the Human Rights Centre “Viasna”.

The report lists information concerning issues related to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment. The authors point out that the Constitution guarantees the inadmissibility of torture and other cruel treatment or punishment, but at the same time, no legislative act of the Republic of Belarus does not contain a definition of “torture” as it is enshrined in Article 1 of the Convention. Belarusian legislation does not specify the kinds of inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment.

The report also contains a list of facts of beating up about 300 demonstrators, and the candidates for the presidency Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu and Andrei Sannikau, journalist Natallia Radzina after mass protests against the results of the presidential elections on 19 December 2010. The report also informs about the pressure exerted on independent journalists and human rights defenders. The report mentions the fact that Belarus still exercises system of capital punishment. Relatives of convicts do not know neither the place of burial of executed nor time of the shooting, the bodies of those shot are not given for the burial, and “cause of death” field on the death certificate is left blank.

Second part of the review of Belarus on 14 November 2011

Webcast provided by the Human Rights House Network and the Centre for Civil and Political Rights


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Ales Bialiatski’s case at the Committee

Ales Bialiatski’s case was mentioned at the review of Belarus at the UN Committee against Torture:

Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva Mikhail Khvostov, Head of the delegation of Belarus to the Committee, explained to the Committee on 14 November 2011 that Ales Bialiatski will only be persecuted for tax evasion and will never be judged for his human rights activities or his activities related to the Human Rights Centre “Viasna”.

The Ambassador said so, although “prosecutor Valery Saykouski asked the judge to adjourn the trial until 16 November. He said ‘the new charge will significantly differ from the previous one.’”