The former candidate for the presidency Mr. Kazulin was arrested on 25 March 2006. He was sentenced to 5.5 years of prison. The oppositionist was admitted the prisoner of conscience by Belarusian and International society. Mr. Kazulin announced the hunger strike on 20 October to protest against ‘lawlessness in Belarus’ and to demand consideration of the situation in Belarus at the UN Security Council. (24-NOV-06)
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Hot spring 2006
The spring 2006 was very hot and full of events for Belarus. The main one was, unconditionally, presidential elections. They took place on 19 March but Belarusian society still ‘reaps the fruits’ of authorities’ labour.
There were 4 candidates for the presidency. One of them, Aliaksandr Kasulin, was arrested on 25 March during a peaceful protest actions against the rigged election results. We have already written about Kazulin’s case and the wave of protest against the unfair judgment. 5.5 years of deprivation of liberty was reckoned as one of the severest sentence passed on prisoners of conscience in Belarus. Belarusian citizens and international society protested against the unfair judgment. A lot of appeals were addressed the Belarusian authorities urging and requiring to release Kazulin and other political prisoners.
Termless hunger-strike of protest
On 20 October Mr. Kazulin has announced the termless hunger-strike of protest. The main demand of the hunger-strike is consideration of the situation with violations of human rights in Belarus at the UN Security Council. The former candidate to presidency and the head of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) Aliaksandr Kazulin has been on a hunger-strike of protest for more than a month already.
20% of body weight loss
The prison administration doesn’t give any reliable information about the state of his health. Siarhei Skrabets, prisoner of conscience, who was released from this prison on 15 November, thinks that now Kazulin’s health must be nearly critical. It is known that he has losst 200% of his body weight . Letters from Kazulin are received with a week’s delay. Meetings with the wife and the lawyer are still prohibited to Aliaksandr Kazulin. The head of the colony Vital Ahnistsikau decided to ban meetings with the lawyer to A. Kazulin for the whole term of the hunger-strike. The lawyer has applied against the ruling of Mr. Ahnistsikau in the penal jurisdiction department. This department’s answer was really unique one- the meetings with Kazulin are paused because of his health condition.
Lonely birthday
A. Kazulin will meet his 51st birthday in prison on 25 November. Alone. But with the moral support of thousands of people in Belarus and all around the world.On 23 November on initiative of the United States and the EU countries the UN General Assembly’s Committee has adopted a resolution “On Human Rights in Belarus”. The resolution states the practice of harassment and criminal prosecution of oppositionists, human rights activists, journalists and NGOs is growing in Belarus. Minsk is charged with non-compliance with “international commitments concerning free and fair elections”. It is urged “to bring the electoral process and legislation in line with international standards”.
We hope the next step will be the UN Security Council’s decision to consider Belarusian situation.