The Washington Post newspaper quoted the Pentagon as saying that the number of Azerbaijani peacekeepers in Iraq may be increased up to 250 in addition to 150 already in Iraq. (20 July 2004)


The Azeri pacekeepers in Iraq

150 Azerbaijani military men, including 120 soldiers, 16 warrant officers and 14 commissioned officers, have been on duty in Iraq since August 2003 within the US command unit, ensuring security and law and order, accompanying cargoes and providing patrol service. 

The Azerbaijani government has pledged to add another 250 soldiers in addition to 150 already in Iraq, Washington Post reported on Friday. However, the press office of Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not confirm the report .

More troops to Iraq

The Washington Post report said that several other countries have promised to significantly add to their contingents in Iraq. For instance, the report said, South Korea is increasing its force from 600 to 3,700, while Georgia has said it is ready to more than double its 159 troops — to more than 400.