Elmar Huseynov-MONITOR

Four months have passed since the killing of the controversial editor-in-chief of opposition-minded Monitor journal. Prominent Azeri journalist Elmar Huseynov was gunned down at the entrance of his apartment on March 2. Monitor was a Russian language weekly magazine covering the activity of prominent politicians in the country. The journal published investigative pieces exposing official corruption, mismanagement and crime in different fields of economics and politics.  (2-JUL-2005)

Human rights groups have already linked the murder to his journalistic activities.
“Huseynov became the victim of his journalistic activity – this is terrorism against the press,” said Eldar Zeynalov, director of Azerbaijan Human Rights Center.
The magazine, Monitor, was strongly critical of Azeri authorities and President Ilham Aliyev.
Huseynov had been sued for defamation after accusing local officials of behaving like the Sicilian Mafia.

The family members and friends of the deceased journalist are growing increasingly discontent saying that the authorities are deliberately delaying the disclosure of the crime.

“No progress in investigation”
In a news conference on Friday, the slain journalist´s wife Rushaniya Huseynova reiterated her Rushaniye-MONITORearlier statement that the murder was ´ordered´. Huseynova said that although she sent a letter to the National Security Ministry requesting information on the course of the investigation a month ago, she has received no reply thus far, and the case is stalling.
“Although 110 days have elapsed since the murder, there is no progress in the case. I have the right to know in which direction the investigation is going and whether or not it is moving forward at all. I presume that some information may be withheld due to the ongoing investigation, but this does not mean I should be completely ignored. It seems that the authorities are trying to put the entire case on hold.”

Possible Clues
Huseynova provided some information on the developments that ´could shed light on the crime´. She said that several days prior to the killing, Rafig Aliyev, the brother of the Economic Development Minister Farhad Aliyev and head of Azpetrol company, met with the journalist and insisted that he stop writing harsh articles about the Minister. The journalist refused, symbolically saying that ´Farhad Aliyev should resign, or get rid of me´, said Huseynova.
“I informed investigative agencies of this but I am not sure whether they summoned this person for an interrogation.”

Huseynova said that a representative of Health Minister Ali Insanov also met with her husband shortly before the murder and offered him to write a certain article for a generous reward. “Naturally, he refused”, she said.

Pre-planned murder
Huseynova continued that a month prior to the murder, another incident took place.
“I was taking my child for a walk outside and saw my husband returning from work. We entered the building and went upstairs to the apartment. An unknown man was standing a stairwell above us. He was anxious and had his hand in his bosom. When he saw Elmar holding a child, he was taken aback and started hastily going downstairs.

Journalist´s wife to picket the NSM
Huseynova said that she intends to hold a picket outside the National Security Ministry (NSM) building and called on journalists to join it.
“We have already sent a letter to the mayor´s office, but the picket will take place regardless of the reply.”
The journalist´s wife dismissed the reports suggesting that she plans to leave the country. She also said that she is unable to get registration for the new organization, the Elmar Huseynov Foundation, by the government.