International organization "Reporters without Borders" published yesterday annual rating of the freedom of press in the world. Azerbaijan ranks 146th in the list of 169 countries (previously it ranked 150th.)
If the research was made yesterday the rating of the country would not worsen. On the eve five journalists have been arrested and persecuted in court.
In the annual report of the rating of the freedom of press by the International organization "Reporters without Borders" first ranks Island, and most of European counties are in the list of Top-50. Iraq ranks 145th, Sudan 148-th; in the end of the list come Turkmenistan, Northern Korea and Eritrea.
The situation with the freedom of speech in the Caucasian region is better in Georgia – it ranks 81st, and Armenia ranks 111th.
The "Reporters without Borders" have been making their report since 2002 on 50 criteria , including murders of journalists and threats connected with their professional activity, censorship, access of opposition to mass media.
International human rights defending organization Freedom House published in July annual report "Freedom in the world" on the states of freedom in 193 countries of the world. On results of 2008 Azerbaijan was noted as not-free state, and ranked 154th in the list with common rating of political right – six points (1 point was given to the most free states), and five points to the rating of civil rights.
Democracy Monitor