The Azerbaijani National Forum of NGOs presented the report on the situation in the non- governmental sector over 2004 year on Tuesday.  According to the President of the Forum Azay Guliyev, last year was significant from the point of view of expansion and development of the movement of NGO. At present,  2935 local NGOs operate in Azerbaijan. (26-JAN-2005) 
New associations formed
According   to Mr. Guliyev, 934 new NGOs were founded last year. At the present time, 2935 local NGOs exist in the country. Only 1769 of them have been registered and the rest 962 were not.  283 NGO passed through tax registration. Last year   the NGO paid taxes amounting 1 billion 664 million and 300,000 AZM. 4340   people will work in the non-governmental sector.  

According to Mr. Guliyev, in 2004 only 33 NGO submitted to the Ministry of   Justice of Azerbaijan the information on 107 grant projects. $3 million and   330,000 were received. In fact, the president of the Forum says, the sum of   received grants is higher by ten times.  

Impediment in registration 
The report notes that subjective opinion of the Ministry of Justice events registration of new NGO and development of non-governmental sector. Despite numerous suits of the NGO to the courts concerning refusal of the Ministry of Justice in registration they are not answered.  

According to Mr. Guliyev “In 2004, none of the problems brought up by the Forum was solved. Among the problems are trouble-free registration of NGO, providing   of permanent office, state financing of relevant projects, providing with state   orders, application of high taxes and duties, stimulation of national donors, noted Mr. Guliyev.   

Double standards
President of the Forum stated about double standards of the international   organizations towards the countries of South Caucasus. For example, the US   Agency for Development is going to issue grants amounting $48 million to   Georgia, $43 million to Armenia and only $18- to Azerbaijan, though the   population of Azerbaijan exceeds the population of Georgia by two times and   the population of Armenian by several times.