The “Yeni Musavat” newspaper, a publication of the leading opposition Musavat Party of Azerbaijan, has been closed down due to financial constraints. Its last issue was published on December 31 on account of funds of the editorial office. Under court rulings issued in March 2004, the funds of the “Yeni Musavat” held in press distribution companies were arrested. (07-JAN-2005)

The newspaper suspended its publication on November 15-22, 2004 but later resumed it on account of domestic resources.

International concern
The famous international organization “REPORTERS SANS FRONTIERS” has released the 2004-report on media situation in the world. According to the report – “after the presidential elections in 2003 there is almost no independent media in Azerbaijan. Journalists work there no longer work in adequate conditions and during the year a pro-opposition journalist was jailed for 5 years”.

Local human rights activist Shahla Ismailova thinks that the problem number one is economical difficulties of the press outlets, arisen due to frequent law suits against pro-opposition journalists and huge fines and vetoes on sale in the most available places, – that finally leads to the temporary or eternal shut-up of the outlet. 

According to the editor-in-chief of “Yeni Musavat” newspaper Gabil Abbasoglu the paper had financial problems caused by fines imposed by the court and closure of the newspaper’s bank accounts. “The newspaper has to pay more than $100,000 worth fines, as a result of over 10 suits filed by state officials and businessmen that accused the newspaper of insult of honor and dignity”,  says Abbasoglu.  

Physical attack on opposition journalists
The most recent case of attack happened with the photo-correspondent of “Yeni Musavat” newspaper Alim Kazimov. On 29-th of December 2004 he was beaten up in the police station of Narimanov district, where he came up to get ID card. This violence happened in response to the demand of Mr. Kazimov to get control over indignant unlawfulness, happened in the passport department. The chief of the department was dissatisfied with the notification and called policemen, who beat up Alim Kazimov in the chief’s study until he lost his consciousness. Turan Information Agency says that Alim Kazimov recovered consciousness in Efendiyev hospital No2. Physicians said he had a   cerebral hemorrhage, left part of his body has been fully paralyzed and he could not speak at the beginning. The doctors say that Kazimov’s health condition is still bad and he can have any complications during 10 days. In reply to this, the police refuted the fact of violence against correspondent and said that he had not been beaten. They said that Alim Kazimov suddenly felt bad and was about to faint, when they called doctors.

Following this incident, some international organizations, including the world-known  “Reporters Sans Frontiers” appealed to the Ministry of Interior to investigate the case.