Today´s issue of Yeni Musavat, one of the leading opposition newspapers of Azerbaijan, will be stopped. According to the Acting Editor of the newspaper Gabil Abbasoglu, the reason is financial problems. The serious financial hardships of “Yeni Musavat” began in the end of 2003 after executing of court sanctions. In particular, the bank accounts of the newspaper had been arrested and income from selling was spent on paying out debts. Over 2000-2003 the courts fined “Yeni Musavat” with $160,000. (16-NOV-2004)

Thus, the private Printing House “Chap evi” refused to print the newspaper due to debts. “We do not condemn the Printing house which also has financial problems. We cannot pay for printing the newspaper and the Printing House cannot settle affairs with suppliers of paper”, Abbasoglu explained. The suppliers of paper refuse to sell paper in credit due to the expected rise of prices for paper. The newspaper cannot be printed in the state Printing House “Azerbaijan” as it is necessary to have there paper in store. Serious financial hardships of “Yeni Musavat” began in the end of 2003 after executing of court sanctions. In particular, the bank accounts of the newspaper had been arrested and income from selling was spent on paying out debts.

Who sued the newspaper? 
Over 2000-2003 the courts fined “Yeni Musavat” with $160,000. In particular, according to the claim of the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Turkey Mamed Aliyev the fine totaled $80,000, on the claim of the uncle of the president Agil Aliyev – $40,000, on the claim of the brother of the Chairman of the Supreme Court Rashid Hasanov – $15,000, Defense Minister Safar Abiyev – $1,000 and others.

Appeal for support
According to Abbasoglu, the Editorial staff is looking for ways out of the situation, they informed the diplomatic corps and international organizations about suspicion of the issues. “We ask the readers to take into account the situation and to support us morally and financially”, Abbasoglu said. He noted that the newspaper had to stop issue at the time when the trail is going on over the leaders of opposition among which is the Editor in Chief of “Yeni Musavat” Rauf Arif oglu in the Court of Appeal.”