On January 17, 2007, on the Eve of the 2007 Lunar New Year, Vietnamese authorities unleashed its plans of oppression against pro-democracy activists, such as members of the Vietnam Progressive Party, the so-called 8406 Bloc, and the Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights for Vietnam. Following Professor Nguyen Chinh Ket´s, right, recent visit to Norway, the Norwegian-Vietnamese Centre has issued the following appeal, and received support from both the Rafto Foundation and the Human Rights House Foundation, among others. (23-MAR-07)

Based on the approved and official version of the appeal, received moments ago from representatives of the Norwegian-Vietnamese Centre, this article has been prepared for publication here by HRHF / Niels Jacob Harbitz. 

Nguyen Van Ly 5.jpgThe main target of the oppression campaign was Father Nguyen Van Ly, right, a well-known leader of the 8406 Bloc. Father Nguyen Van Ly, has been in jail and under house arrest since 1983. Currently, he is being held in isolation at Ben Cui Catholic Parish while suffering a severe case of tuberculosis. 

Subsequently, human rights attorneys Le Thi Cong Nhan and Nguyen Van Dai were arrested without due cause. It has been made known to the international community that the two were arrested for leading a group discussion on democracy, and that their attorney licenses have been revoked.
Thich Quang Do 2.jpgLeaders of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (the UBCV) are under house arrest, deprived of all freedoms and forbidden to preach. Patriarch Thich Huyen Quang, 87, who has spent over 25 years in detention, is not even allowed to leave his Monastery in Binh Dinh to go to Saigon for important medical treatment. Venerable Thich Quang Do, 77, left, who has also been detained for over two decades, was awarded the Rafto Human Rights Prize in November 2006, but was not allowed to travel to Norway to receive the award.
Numerous Vietnamese democracy activists are currently suffering in prison. Among them are journalist Nguyen Vu Binh, whose health is deteriorating due to being denied basic medical care. Others, whose whereabouts are currently unknown, include Mr. Hong Trung, Mr. Huynh Viet Lang, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Long, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Quang, Mr. Truong Quoc Huy, Mr. Nguyen Tan Hoanh, Mr. Tran Quoc Hien, Mr. Vu Hoang Hai, and Mr. Pham Ba Hai.
We, the undersigned, call on the Vietnamese government 
· for the immediate and unconditional release of all Vietnamese who are in prison or under house arrest for their peaceful religious or political beliefs.
· to respect and act in accordance with the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights covenants that Viet Nam has ratified.
Finally, let it be known that we, the undersigned, will continue to
· request the release of the above named religious leaders and democracy activists,
· address human rights violations in Viet Nam, and
· work for human rights, freedom, and democracy in Viet Nam.

This appeal is also supported by:
· Finn Martin Vallersnes, Member of the Norwegian Parliament, representing the political party Høyre (the Right), and also a member of the Standing Committee for Foreign Affairs within the Norwegian Parliament.
· Bård Folke Fredriksen, Member of the city council of Oslo, Norway and Chairman of the Council´s Committee on Financial Affairs.

If you wish to add your name to this list, please send an email to niels.jacob@humanrightshouse.org