Yesterday, journalists, editors, publishers, human rights and freedom of expression organisations joined forces to protest the murder of the Russian author, journalist and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaja last Saturday. The silent, dignified protest was well attended, and generated wide press and broadcast media coverage. Below is a picture gallery from the demonstration. (11-OCT-06)

All photos: Amnesty International / Kristin Rødland Buick. Text: HRH / Niels Jacob Harbitz.

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Left, Ann Magrit Austenaa, Leader of the Norwegian Journalists´ Union, Kjell Olaf Jensen, President of Norwegian PEN and Petter Eide, Secretary General of Amnesty International´s Norwegian Section reading their appeals to the 200-300 strong audience. Right, Bjørn Engesland, Secretary General of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and Director of the Human Rights House in Oslo, presenting the participating organisations´ joint appeal, that was later handed over to members of staff at the Russian Embassy.

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Austenaa, Jensen and Eide surrounded by freedom of expression and human rights activists, holding a banner asking: Is the murder of Anna P. Russian press freedom? 



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Maria Dahle, Executive Director of HRH, and Ralph Pluimert, a HRH volunteer, holding a banner asking the same question, in Russian.