Andrei Klilmau was detained on 25 April in a car park in Platonava Street, and then was taken to 7 Sapiorau Street. He is now kept in the temporary detention center. The investigation committee gave him a status of a suspect in a criminal case initiated for the events of 25 March. On that day there was a demonstration demanding the resignation of Aliaksandr Lukashenka. The investigators suspect Andrei Klimau of organizing the street protest. (26-APR-2005)

The investigator Ihar Prakharenkau who investigated the case of Mikalai Statkievich and Paviel Sieviaryniets familiarized the new suspect with the statement of charges. According to the statement, Andrei Klimau is suspected of organizing “group actions that disturbed the public order”. The investigator decided to keep Andrei Klimau in the temporary detention ward for 72 hours. It is not ruled out that after the weekend new interrogation will be conducted, and the detention term will be prolonged.

(According to Radio Liberty)