The building at 33 Khagani street, hosting Azadlig Newspaper, Turan Information Agency, the Institute for Reporter Safety and Freedom, KIV.AZ Internet Newspaper, Bizim Yol Newspaper, Yeni Nesil Journalist Union´s Printing Office, Azerbaijan´s Democracy Development Organization, Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan is to be released from its occupants according to the #1 Economic Court’s Decision of Azerbaijan Republic. Remaining the last stronghold of Azerbaijan’s independent media, the eviction of the occupants from the building cannot be curtained under the pretexts of rent contracts. The majority of national and international organizations think that it is a part of the pressure of the authorities on the independent media. (26-OCT-06)
Written by Shahla Ismailova/HRH Baku, on the basis of materials from the Institute of Reporter Safety and Freedom, Turan Information Agency, Azadlig Newspaper, Musavat Newspaper, Day.AZ, Eurasia Insight; photos by Shahla Ismailova and the Institute of Reporter Safety and Freedom.
The building originally came into “Azadlig” Newspaper´s (Azerbaijan´s first independent newspaper) possession through an 8 October 1992 decree given by Baku´s mayor; however authorities now claim that a formal contract was never signed to cement this arrangement. Citing Azerbaijan´s Civil Code, the Economic Court writes in its decision that if the two parties involved in the transfer of real estate through a decree do not conclude a contract within one year, the decree expires. The economic court also alleges that “Azadlig” Newspaper´s occupation of the building at 33 Khagani St. without a contract between 1997 and 2006 caused nearly $30,000 in damages to Azerbaijan´s state budget, bringing the grand total of fines against this publication to nearly $200,000. At present all of the newspaper´s accounts have been frozen by the courts and tax ministry.
Campaign of the Union of EditorsThe Union of Editors, consisting of leading independent and opposition mass media editors, as well as journalist organizations, condemn government attempts to evict Azadlig Newspaper from its building. Starting last week, there began a protest campaign in the pages of their publications, as well as conduct of meetings with ambassadors from European Union countries and the United States. During these meetings, the government´s increased pressure on the press is discussed.
TURAN Information Agency
According to Mehman Aliyev, the director of TURAN news agency, the question on eviction from the building first arose in 1993. Since that time this question has been brought up whenever serious political processes occur in the country. At present the struggle within controlling forces has strengthened and the trial of Haji Mamedov´s group is in progress, which shows that people from the upper-echelons of power are involved in committing grave crimes. Certain circles are irritated by the press´ active coverage of these processes, especially Azadlig daily. The fact that some media sources have been banned from covering the trial demonstrates this. In this situation the authorities have begun a campaign against the press: for example the publishing of Real Azerbaijan and Gundalik Azerbaijan newspapers has been suspended, the attack on ANS television channel strengthened, the broadcasting of western radio stations has been prohibited starting next year and so on. “The matter regarding the eviction of Azadlig and other organizations from the building is an integral part of these processes,” said Aliyev.
The Institute for Reporter Freedom and Safety
Emin Huseynov, head of the Institute for Reporter Freedom and Safety, drew attention to the fact that organs of the ruling regime, including Yeni Azerbaijan and Ses newspapers, have a 4-storey building, which was formerly occupied by the ruling party Yeni Azerbaijan. The party moved to a new building, which was earlier occupied by the Justice Ministry, and presented its building to the pro-governmental newspapers. But this caused no problems for them, Huseynov said.
National Human Rights defenders
The national human rights organizations condemn the attack on press and sees the decision on the eviction from the building as a part of this process. They think that this decision is just the latest event in a string of attacks on freedom of the press and freedom of expression in Azerbaijan. 2006 has been marred by the nearly fatal attacks on Fikret Huseynli and Bahaddin Haziyev, the framing and imprisonment of prominent Satiric/Journalist Sakit Zahidov and countless lawsuits brought forth by government officials against newspapers, editors and journalists.
Sahib Mamedov (on the right), chairman of the Citizens’ Labor Rights Protection League, said he was a witness of the adoption of the decision on handing over the building to Azadlig daily. In accordance with this decision the building has been transferred to the newspaper´s balance, so it was not obliged to pay a rental fee.
Reaction of the Parliament
The member of the Parliament, Asim Mollazadeh brought up the recent attack on the mass media and journalists. He proposed the creation of a parliamentary commission to study the eviction of Azadlig daily from its office, the attempt to close ANS television channel, suits filed by state officials against several newspapers and the arrests of several journalists. Mollazadeh was supported by Deputies Jamil Hasanli, Nasib Nasibzadeh and Igbal Agazadeh, who have interpreted all these processes as a violation of freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
But Siyavush Novruzov, a deputy representing the ruling party, and vice-speaker Bahar Muradova said that there is “more than enough freedom of speech” in Azerbaijan. “Journalists should not insult people and then state officials would not have to file suits against them,” said Novruzov.
“Musavat” Party condemns attack on mass media
“Musavat” Party released a statement in which it condemned the recent attacks on the press. The party said attempts to evict “Azadlig” newspaper, Turan News Agency and “Bizim Yol” newspaper from their building at 33 Khagani Street are related to this attack. Authors of the document say the authorities´ goal is to eliminate independent press prior to presidential elections in 2008.
Reporter without Borders records tragic violations
Reporters Without Borders
Reporters Without Borders condemned the Azerbaijani government´s attempt to evict opposition newspaper Azadlig from the office it has occupied at 33 Khagani Street in Baku free of charge since 1992. Pro-government newspapers that have free premises are being not threatened with expulsion.
“It is completely unacceptable for the authorities to use different measures with media according to their political position,” Reporters Without Borders said. “Opposition newspapers must be able to operate under the same conditions as pro-government newspapers.”