The selection process of the participant primarily took into consideration the quality of the application forms, following their motivation for participation in the school and also including the ethnic and gender balance, paying attention on the balance regarding the parts of Macedonia where students come from.

The whole process actively involved secondary schools as well as network of nongovernmental organizations that were adequately notified of the activity and helped the students with forwarding information to all interested youth.

School of Human Rights was supported by Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, which by making a Special Decision on the Distribution of Funds from the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia, decided to cover the financial part of the program activities.

The school covered several topics such as discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice, labeling, similarities, differences, living in a multiethnic society, gender, gender equality, LGBTIQ rights, tolerance, cosmopolitanism, phobias, children’s rights (Convention on the Rights of Children ), activism among young (introduction to the work of the youth group), religion, peaceful resolution of conflicts and ethnic divisions, criminal law for minors, Moot Court, the human rights situation in Macedonia, mechanisms for the protection of human rights, Council of Europe , UN, sexual and reproductive health among young people, prisons and closed institutions.

Covered topics were processed in a way that included working groups, interaction by participants, presentations of group work, discussions, creative workshops and similar. In this way everyone had space to actively engage and to outline their views, to communicate and collaborate with all stakeholders and to express their critical thinking.