The first sign that something was wrong came on Monday 20 February, when some internet users in Kyrgyzstan reported that they had lost access to the news agency’s website. At first, access proved to be denied only to customers of the government-controlled provider Kyrgyztelekom. Internet users could still access the site through other private providers, including on their mobile telephones. However, according to the latest information, the Ministry of Communication has also instructed sub-providers to block the site by the end of this week. Government officials and news readers alike were initially confused as to the reasons behind these developments in what is widely considered to be the most liberal of the Central Asian republics in terms of freedom of speech.

FERGHANA closed in relation to riots

The reason was today revealed to be an order issued by the office of the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Ministry of Communications to report on the fulfilment of a number of tasks listed in a Parliament decision from June of last year, following a parliamentary hearing on the tragic events in the south of Kyrgyzstan in June 2010. Among the many recommendations given in a document after the hearing was blocking access to the website. At the time, the recommendation was the object of widespread ridicule in social media in Kyrgyzstan, leading to a statement from former President Roza Otunbaeva that blocking access to the site would be in breach of constitutional principles and not in keeping with the spirit of the April 7 revolution: “Freedom of speech and dissemination of information is one of the most important achievement of the people of Kyrgyzstan. We are building an open society reflecting a full range of opinions. We will build a dialogue, argue with our opponents, but not shut the mouths as done before. Let’s not forget that the website was blocked for several weeks prior to the events of April 7.”

However, the issue has now re-surfaced, and will not be limited only to customers of Kyrgyztelekom. According to the Ministry of Communication, sub-providers are also obliged to block access to the web site by 27 February 2012, which means that will no longer be accessible to readers regardless of the provider they use.

Ferghana leading news covering agency in Central Asia is the main website covering the Central Asian region. Although it has been blocked for years in neighboring Uzbekistan, readers in Kyrgyzstan have been able to continue to enjoy its coverage of developments in the region in spite of the June 2011 recommendations issued by the Kyrgyzstani Parliament. Based in Moscow, the editor of the site Daniil Kislov and his team of journalists have been key providers of news from Central Asia since 1999, becoming the main sources of trustworthy information during both the preceding revolutions in Kyrgyzstan in 2005 and 2010, during the violence in the south of the country in June 2010, as well as during other dramatic events across the region. The site also offers commentaries and interviews with key political figures and analysts. The main content of the site is in its Russian-language section, although some articles are also translated into English from time to time. While the site may be blocked, its contents will still be easily available to readers, as publishes articles through social media such as Facebook as well. In addition, more advanced users may continue to read the site through proxy servers, as is customary in many countries with repressive internet legislation.


On June 10, 2010 there began a mass anti Uzbek pogrom that devastated the Osh and Jalal-Abad regions. The toll, according to both official sources and the human-rights NGOs such as Kylym Shamy, 436 were killed, but many more remain missing. Thousands more were injured, many by sexual assault. Victims were overwhelmingly Uzbeks. Close to two-thousand homes were destroyed, vast sums’ worth of property were damaged or ruined, and 400,000 people were displaced as they fled for their lives. Credible reports circulated of well-armed men in masks launching orchestrated assaults against Uzbeks. Videos emerged showing Kyrgyz military and security forces failing to intervene in defense of Uzbek victims, and in some cases even assisting their attackers. Human-rights defenders allege that police in the south regularly fail to protect ethnic Uzbeks, the families of accused persons (most of whom are Uzbek), their lawyers, and even judges from threats and attacks by angry Kyrgyz mobs.

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