The judgment on 14 May was delivered by judge Natallya Chatvertkova. Prosecutor Anton Zaharouski demanded to give Andrei Sannikov 7 years in a medium security penal colony, says the website
Long terms of imprisonment
Participants of a protest demonstration against the election fraud, who stood trial with Sannikov, also got long terms of imprisonment: Illya Vasilevich – 3 years in a medium security penal colony; Aleh Hnedchyk – 3.5 years in a medium security penal colony; Fyodar Mirzayanau – 3 years in a medium security penal colony; Uladzimir Yaromenak – 3 years in a medium security penal colony.
Andrei Sannikov, left, made a loud statement in court before the verdict was announced. He said that he was subjected to humiliating torture, pressure and threats while in the KGB jail. Masked men from an unknown special division armed with batons and electro-shock weapons maltreated political prisoners in the KGB jail.
During the period of his interrogation, Sannikov had to sleep on the floor under a bunk; suffered from denigrating searches, when he had to stand naked by the wall with feet wider than shoulders; handcuffed, he had his arms twisted and was hit in his legs with a baton. KGB chairman Zaitsau had personal conversations with Sannikov and threatened the life and health of his wife and son.
Sannikov was reported to have said “take care of my family” as he was led from the court. Attempts have been made to take Sannikov and Iryna Khalip’s (below) young son, Danil, into state custody.
In his final speech before the verdict former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov said: “I love my family more than life. I love Belarus. I love freedom very much. I know that my family and all the people of Belarus will be happy when we become free, but this is impossible without law and order.”
It was riot policemen who beat demonstrators
The 57-year-old former diplomat was accused of “organising mass disturbance”. The politician’s lawyers hold that Sannikov’s involvement in what has been defined as riots was not proven. The proofs of the case show that the territory where riot was noticed was limited to some dozens square metres near the entrance to the House of Government, while Independence Square was a place for a peaceful protest rally against the rigged election results.
There were no actions that threatened the health of other persons. No civilians suffered. On the contrary, it was riot policemen who brutally beat peaceful demonstrators.
Bringing Sannikov to responsibility under this article was illegal. The case does not contain any proofs that Sannikov intended to organize mass disorders. There were no violent attacks, arsons, or armed disobedience to police. The property that was damaged by provocateurs was repaired. The provocation was allowed by police, who did not prevent it purposefully. The presidential candidates called to stop these actions and not to get involved in provocations.
The mass event was peaceful. The calls to come to the square and wait for the results of the presidential elections do not violate the Constitution. Sannikov called on the representatives of the authorities to begin a dialogue during the mass action.
Europe’s shame
Mike Harris, Public Affairs Manager of Index on Censorship said: “The imprisonment and torture of presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov is Europe’s shame. Belarus is degenerating to its Soviet past, Sannikov was jailed simply for attending an opposition rally. His wife is also on trial for attending this protest and the government attempted to take his three- year-old son into care.”
He added: “Europe must use all tools at its disposal including stopping Western banks and the IMF financing the regime. Putting presidential candidates in jail in Europe in 2011 is not acceptable.”
Andrei Sannikov is a former deputy foreign minister of Belarus. He worked in the UN secretariat and headed a Belarusian delegation at the talks over conventional and nuclear disarmament. He resigned in 1996 protesting against the referendum that allowed changes in the country’s Constitution.
Concerns with alarming human rights situation in Belarus
Ongoing human rights violations in the aftermath of the elections in December 2010
Election aftermath: Call to stop violence and release the detained
Online petition calling for respect of human rights
Call upon the UN HRC to strengthen freedom of association
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