It wasn’t the first experience of co-operation between the famous lawyer and the Human Rights House: he has been a member of the programme “International Law in Advocacy” since 2006. Because of his human rights activity which included defending political prisoners and sharp interviews with the Belarusian mass-media Pavel Sapelka had lost his job. 4 March 2011 his licence was cancelled by the Minsk City Bar due to the pressure of the Ministry of Justice.
Now, he visited the seminar as an expert thus proving that the authorities couldn’t break his spirit. Actually it was the other way around.
– Why did you decide not to appeal against the decision of the Bar concerning your disbarment?
– I didn’t want to complain against the decision of my colleagues. If it were decided by some administrative act, for example decree of the Ministry of Justice – in that case I would definitely appeal to the court. However, when the decision was made on a collegiate basis – by the Board of the Bar, by my colleagues, I don’t want to lodge a complaint.
– Do you think it was the free will of your colleagues to adopt such a decision?
– No, I don’t think it was their free will. But they were free to accept or not to accept any decision. I don’t see my future in such a Bar.
– Where do you see your future then?
– I haven’t decided yet. The doorway to my profession was closed for at least 5 years. If the regime exists in 5 years – I don’t have any illusions concerning my return as well. My current decision does not mean that I’m changing the strategy of my doings. It is only form that is changed, nothing else.
– So, by your disbarment the regime just pushed you towards more stirring human rights activity?
– Well, earlier I was engaged in human rights activity in the framework of the Bar. Nothing prevents me from human rights activity on civil basis now.
– Did you start the co-operation with other participants of the seminar?
– This seminar, like any other – is a stimulus to further activity. I have already talked to some human rights defenders, who need an advice from a lawyer. I’m ready to help them.
– What else can you say to the visitors of the Human Rights House web-page – our partners, human rights defenders, activists and other HR-friendly people from all around the world?
– First of all, thanks to everyone who supported the Belarusian lawyers including me in our struggle this difficult time, who responded to the call of the Human Rights House and declared their position in regard of actions taken by the Belarusian authorities. Great thanks to the human Rights House for the possibilities, that it offers to lawyers as well as the human rights defenders: acquiring knowledge, communication, realisation of useful projects.
– Thanks a lot for the conversation.
During the seminar in the Human Rights House, the participants presented their ideas on human rights projects in regions, bringing up new leaders, defending women’s rights etc.
The important part of the educational process is the simulation of a communication to the UN Human Rights Committee, assisted by experts and managers of the project.
The human rights defenders say that they themselves need constant support, especially in the regions. They emphasize that more than financial they need institutional, moral, visa and other types of support.
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