Besides Belarusian HRH (Lithuania), HRH Foundation (Norway) and Libereco (Germany), the petition is initiated by Amnesty International, Young European Federalists, Civil Rights Defenders, Ostgruppen, People in Need, Codap, Wolna Bialorus and Belarus Watch.

On the eve of Belarus’ presidential elections the initiators and undersigned appeal to the acting and newly elected Belarusian President to ensure that Belarus fulfils its human rights obligations  which means in particular:

– to declare an immediate moratorium on executions and to abolish the death penalty

– to guarantee the rights to freedom of expression, assembly, association, press and religion to all people in Belarus

– to allow peaceful demostrations to take place

– to ensure that no one is detained, arrested or charged under any Article of the Criminal or Administrative Codes of Belarus as a result of their peaceful participation in demonstrations

– to ensure that human rights defenders, journalists and other civil society activists are able to carry out their legitimate work free from persecution, harassment and intimidation

– to simplify the registration procedures for non-governmental organizations

– to abolish Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code, which criminalises activities on behalf of an unregistered non-governmental organisation

The online petition will last until the inauguration of the newly elected Belarusian President in January 2011. The initiators will send all signatures to Belarusian Embassies and to the Belarusian Government.

Every organisation which would like to support the petition could send an email to to be added to a list of all supporting organisations. 

Please spread and support the Belarus Online Petition!