
Human Rights House Oslo

Human Rights House Oslo was established in Norway in 1989. Today the House unites six organisations under its roof.



The first Human Rights House was founded in Oslo in 1989, during a time of great change and hope for human rights in Europe. Human Rights House Oslo is today home to six diverse organisations that champion a variety of thematic and geographical human rights issues. These range from women’s rights in Norway, to the human rights situations of Tibet, Eastern Europe, and the entire African continent.

Contact information

+47 468 48 850

Mariboes gate 13
0183 Oslo




Mental Health and Human Rights Info

Mental Health and Human Rights Info is a resource data-base that provides free information about the consequences of human rights violations on mental health in contexts of disaster, conflict and war.

HHRI gives an overview of experiences in the field as well as ways of dealing with mental health consequences on individual, group and community level.

In 2014, MHHRI published the manual “Mental health and gender-based violence Helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict – a training manual.” A low threshold manual on how to meet survivors of Gender based violence. Available in English, Russian, Arabic and Spanish on our GBV web page.

Contact information




Human Rights House Foundation

Human Rights House Foundation

Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) protects, empowers and supports human rights defenders and their organisations. To accomplish this, HRHF brings organisations together in Human Rights Houses, and unites the Houses in an international network. HRHF advocates with partner organisations to promote the freedoms of assembly, association, and expression, and the right to be a human rights defender – to ensure that individuals and organisations can work freely and openly to protect and advance human rights at home and abroad.

The Houses are located in Eastern & Western Europe, the Caucasus and the Balkans. HRHF is based in Oslo, with an office in Geneva and representation in Brussels and Tbilisi.

Contact information

+47 468 48 850




Krisesentersekretariatet is an independent umbrella organisation for the krisesentre (crisis shelters) in Norway. Krisesentersekretariatet works for a future without violence against women, without domestic violence, and to strengthen the services of crisis shelters in Norway.

Krisesentersekretariatet also runs VO-linjen, a helpline for those that have experienced violence, and ROSA, a helpline for survivors of human trafficking.

Contact information

+47 905 79 118


Kvinnefronten (The Women’s Front)


Kvinnefronten is a radical feminist organisation. They work locally, nationally and internationally to fight the economic, sexual, political and cultural oppression of women. Their ultimate goal is the full liberation of women, when any woman is able and has the right to make free choices regarding her own life, education, career, sexuality, and so on, regardless of her colour, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation and/or physical abilities. Kvinnefronten was founded in 1972, and has since worked within several fields and topics, such as the right to safe abortions, the fight against porn and the fight for the Nordic model approach to prostitution (Sexkjøpsloven). Internationally, they cooperate with a large number of women’s organisations in several different countries, including Tanzania, Afghanistan and India.

Contact information

+47 46 98 71 80



Fellesrådet for Afrika (The Norwegian Council for Africa)

Fellesrådet for Afrika

The Norwegian Council for Africa is a solidarity and human rights organisation which sees the dissemination of information and advocacy as its most important tools in its contribution towards justice and development in and for Africa.

The Norwegian Council for Africa wants to challenge conditions and structures in Africa and globally which hinder the just and fair development in and for Africa. The Norwegian Council for Africa works towards these goals by arranging seminars and debates on a regular basis, and runs, which takes aim of being the central platform for Africa related debate and analysis in Norway.

They work with linking African academic and activist voices with Norwegian decision-makers in government and corporations, as well as the general public.

Contact information

+47 97 89 97 48



Voice of Tibet

Voice of Tibet

Voice of Tibet (VOT) multimedia project is a human rights project providing daily news and information about Tibet both in Tibetan and Chinese languages.

The main formats are daily radio programs, news-in-text services and regular video programs. VOT’s main distribution channels are daily SW radio and 24/7 satellite transmissions, and a number of Internet-based distribution platforms.

Contact information

+47 22 11 12 09


