When the amateurs of the poetry of Larisa Geniush started to gather near that house, they saw only holes in the wall. Some police officers and men in civvies were not far away from that place. Municipals has announced gas alarm in the district and started fencing in the territory of the block and especially the territory of the house number 40. Just on that very house the plaque was hung up only in the morning.
Many people from different parts of Belarus came in memory of Larisa Geniush in Vaukavysk. Among them were poets Uladzimer Niakliaeu and Mihas Skobla, main initiator of the creation of the plaque Anatol Bely, literature analyst Anatol Sidarevich, critic Aliaksandar Fiaduta and others.
Police officers has warned gathered people that in the case of continuing the meeting it will be taken as non legal action.
Uladzimer Niakliaeu: “This people are acting like vandalists. May be tomorrow they will be ashamed of what they did. They are fighting not with us, but with the future. It is hopeless fight. We will win.”
Mikalay Kavalchuk, who has hung up the plaque on a private house’s wall by convention with its owners, said that he is a victim in this case. The plaque was taken off without his permission.
This house was chosen not accidentally. It is the very house where Larisa Geniush was born. The house stands on the Peramogi street in Vaukavysk and was built in Zhlobaucy village. In 1948 the house was relocated in Vaukavysk.