The purpose and the goal of existence of the SOM Group is having all citizens of the Republic of Croatia, entitled to a free and responsible media, also having the state of Croatia obliged to provide a legal framework which allows the existence and operation of free and responsible media. This includes the presumption that free media are not limited to censorship and self-censorship and have a free and open access to all relevant information.

According to the SOM Group, the responsible media is monitoring the executive, legislative and judicial power as guard dogs of law and order and regularly and comprehensively report to the public of any omissions and abuses of these laws. It also opens, to all social groups regardless of their economic and political power, space for public communication by giving the voice to marginal / vulnerable groups, and not just political, economic and other social elites. The responsible media is also, fully informed and credible about the world we live in – events, parties, various regions and cultures, achievements of science, religions, different worldviews, numerous lifestyles etc.

SOM Group believes that the media in Croatia is not free and responsible, and can not be considered credible since they manifest the existence of censorship and self-censorship; because of the lack of political will, and because of the existence political and economic interest and pressure.

”They don’t have an access (or can not publish) information which is of common public interest, because their critical social role is weakened due to the uncontrolled power of economic lobbies, and because they do not understand or do not want to understand the concept of protecting and promoting human rights and active  citizenship. Also because their cultural and social role is destroyed due to the commercialization, sensationalism and negligence”, it is stated on the presentation of SOM.

Therefore, the SOM Group will in its following work and activities, monitor and conduct media research – public and commercial; inform the public about perceived violations of the principle of free, responsible and credible journalism; be open to suggestions and contributions of citizens of the observed violations of the principle of free, responsible and credible journalism; be open to collaboration with journalists who wish to inform the public about violations of their own or others’ rights with purpose of full and truthful information; organize public hearings on the problems and obstacles that affect the restriction of the media in achieving its social function; encourage the adoption of quality laws regulating media activities, and consistently monitor their implementation; cooperate with Croatian and international civil society organizations that protect freedom of expression and media freedoms and promote the values of free, responsible and credible journalism.

SOM group will continually present its work and activities to the public through open space for discussion and publication on the website of Human Rights House of Zagreb, write press releases, organize round tables, workshops, training, presentations, publish annual reports, give annual awards (as of 2011 and so forth) to promote a credible and responsible journalism, etc.

The founders of SOM Group are: Masenjka Bacic, Professor.; Ines Bojic, BA iur ; Victoria Car, Ph.D. ; Hajrudin Hromadzic, Ph.D. ; Hrvoje Juric ; Sanja Puljar D’Alessio Ph.D. , Helena Popovic,, ; Korana Radman, , Sanja Sarnavka, Professor, and Nada Zgrabljic Rotar, Ph.D.

SOM Group is open for interested parties and individuals to join.
