“I am disappointed that I could not meet her (Suu Kyi) this time in an important year in which it shall be optional. The first national election in 20 years,” said Mr. Quintana (picture in the upper right corner) in Bangkok on 20 February 2010.

Mr. Quintana, who was appointed as a special envoy to Burma in 2008, was also unable to meet military junta chief, General Than Shwe (picture on the right) during his visit.

Met with NLD
Mr. Quintana did not speak publicly during the five days spent in Burma. Members of Aung San Suu Kyis party National League for Democracy said that he asked for permission to meet Nobel Peace Prize winner and opposition leader – but did not receive a response to his request.

Suu Kyi (picture on the left) has been under house arrest most of the last 18 years, and this arrest was in August 2009 extended by eighteen months. It happened after an incident when the American swam across a lake to her house uninvited and was arrested when he made his return trip three days later.

There are some 1,200 such political prisoners in Burma and their release was one of the main items on Mr Quintana’s agenda, according to BBC.