Komakhidze reported receiving death threats from the Georgian authorities on 10 February. He had recently returned from a visit to South Ossetia where he has  been producing a documentary examining the 2008 Russian-Georgian conflict.

ARTICLE 19 has issued a joint statement with the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, the Human Rights House Foundation, and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.

Thorough and impartial investigation needed
The organisations condemn the use of threats against Komakhidze, and call upon the Georgian government to ensure his safety and to cease harassment of journalists. The joint statement also calls for a prompt, effective, thorough, independent and impartial investigation into the incident and the creation of an environment safe and conducive to diverse voices.

“The use of intimidation and scare tactics to silence dissent is unacceptable, and the lack of investigation by the Georgian government calls into question its commitment to freedom of expression”, comments ARTICLE 19 Executive Director Agnès Callamard.

Mr. Komakhidze runs an investigative reporting production studio, “Studio Reporter”. Since 2008, “Studio Reporter” is a member of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders. Mr. Komakhidze is a winner of several media awards at the national level.

Journalist attacked in 2004
In March 2004, Mr. Vakhtang Komakhidze (picture on the right) was severely beaten up by police officers in Adjara Autonomous Republic, on his way back to Tbilisi, as he was working on a film about illegal activities carried out by Mr. Aslan Abashidze’s relatives. Mr. Abashidze was the leader of Adjara Autonomous Republic from 1991 to 2004. Despite the fact that some time after the incident Mr. Komakhidze himself identified one of the attackers and reported him to the authorities, the incident has not yet been investigated as up to date.


ARTICLE 19 is an independent human rights organisation that works around the world to protect and promote the right to freedom of expression. It takes its name from Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which guarantees free speech.

  • For more information please contact: Rebecca Vincent, rebecca@article19.org or +44 20 7324 2500.
  • The full text of the joint statement is available here.

Related links:

Georgian journalist Komakhidze fears for his life