The seminar was organized by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee/ Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Youth against the EU and Europeisk ungdom Norway with a support from Norwegian Youth Council. The focus of the seminar was on democracy, both in theory and practice, both in the organizational and political sphere and in civil society in general.

Participants had an opportunity to meet representatives from NGOs dealing with sexual minorities rights, children’s rights and environmental issues, and hear their successful stories.

Since the training took place at the same time as the Norwegian Parliamentary elections, it was a good opportunity to learn about election system in Norway by visiting the Parliament, talking to Parliamentary representatives, representatives of youth sections of several political parties and participating in election wakes.

During all these meetings participants learned how their organizations can increase the impact of their own ideas and values in society they live in. Participants exchanged their experiences and ideas on democracy and main challenges in their organizations and they reflected on what they have learned from the lecturers through ‘coffee dialogue’ workshops.

International evening was a great opportunity to taste some food and drinks from participants’ countries as well as to enjoy music and dances. That event was also visted by ambassadors of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia.

Through all the activities during the training and through informal socialising in Oslo, participants became good friends and they are already planing future cooperation.

„Democracy here, there and everywhere“ is not the first joint project of participating organizations. They already cooperated on training called „Pro et contra EU“ that was held last September in Serbia. During that seminar idea of next one was born and participants succeeded in making it happen. 

Participating organizations:

Human Rights Schools of Western Balkan ;

Europeisk Ungdom (European Youth) / JEF NORWAY ;

Youth Against EU.