On 26 June, human rights activists for the International Day of solidarity with torture victims published a collection “Torture in Russia: Authorities, Human Rights Activists and the UN Committee against Torture Position.” The collection is a result of joint efforts of the colaition of non-governmental organizations that includes the Russian Research Center for Human Rights. (28-JUNE-07)
Written by HRH Moscow Inna Komar
Sources: http://www.publicverdict.ru, http://www.hro.org
For a full Russian text of the document click here.
the Russian Federation was one of the first countries which ratified Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, accepted by the UN Assembly. Untill today, however, it is on the list of the countries which still resort to torture. The aforementioned collection includes Alternative Report that was worked out by Russian NGOs, i.e. the Research Center “Demos”, the “Public Verdict” Foundation, the “Social Partnership” Foundation, the Union of Soldiers` Mothers Committees of the Russian Federation, and the Independent Psychiatric Association of the Russian Federation. In November 2006, the report was presented to the UN Committee against Torture along with the Russian Periodical Report.
According to human rights activists’ data torture in the Russian Federation became one of the powerful investigation instrument sighting at getting the required testimony. Besides apprehendeds may be intimidated and subjected to psychological pressure. Human rights defenders consider that the Russian Federation isn`t aspiring to conscientious fulfillment of the Convention regulations and its international obligations.
There’re also recommendations on improving the situation concerning Russia’s implementation of the obligations in the collection. The UN Committee on the 37th session in November 2006 estimated the Russian human rights activists proceeding at its true worth and took it under consideration during compilation of recommendations on Russia’s international obligations fulfillment.
The purpose of the collection is to extend these materials within the country, to increase the society and authorities` consciousness of torture abandoning necessity. It’s remained to hope that Russian human rights defenders will succeed.