– Human rights education work constitutes an important investment towards fostering just societies in which all human rights of all persons are valued and respected, said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour (right ), at a conference in Murmansk initiated by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee. (16-APR-07)

Source: The Norwegian Helsinki Committee.
Photo of Louise Arbour: UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferre

In late March, one hundred professionals were gathered in Murmansk to improve human rights education in Norwegian and Russian schools and institutions of justice.

For the first time high level politicians, teachers, bureaucrats, prison personell, persons responsible for police training and NGO representatives discussed how to implement the UN World Program for Human Rights Education in elementary school, as well as in professional training for lawyers, police and prison personell.
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, greeted the conference: 

 – Human rights education work constitutes an important investment towards fostering just societies in which all human rights of all persons are valued and respected, Arbour said.

The High Commissioner said human rights education is an ‘essential tool’ to enable all professionals working in the administration of justice to fulfill their important roles in democratic societies, and referred to law enforcement agencies and others.

The conference was initiated by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.

Read Arbour´s message: http://www.nhc.no/php/files/documents/Undervisning/2007/messagearbour070328.pdf