The Croatian women’s organisation B.a.B.e. is about to open the first shelter in Vukovarsko-srijemska County for women and children, victims of domestic violence. After a year of preparatory activities within the years long programme LEGALINE and a project aiming to provide legal counselling and psychological support, B.a.B.e. announced that the shelter will be opened within a couple of months. (07-MAR-07)
The CARDS 2002 Programme financed the project that B.a.B.e. have been implementing within the LEGALINE program throughout 2006. It’s focus was on opening of the Women’s Safe House in Vukovarsko-srijemska County, which is an area of special state concern (former occupied area).
Croatian Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development- Directorate for Expellees, Returnees and Refugees donated the house that will be used as the first shelter of this kind in the area. In addition, the entire project was implemented in close cooperation and partnership with the County authorities and Women’s Human Rights Group B.a.B.e , as well as with different institutions (centres of social welfare, police, educational institutions, hospitals, courts, etc.)