The Human Rights House Foundation opens an international branch in Azerbaijan, called Human Rights House Baku. The Core Group in Baku, consisting of selected 9 national human rights organizations, signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the 21-st of October. The registration procedures are preceded by the professional law firm in accordance with the legislation of Azerbaijan Republic and the papers for registration will be submitted to the Ministry of Justice by the end of November 2006. (23-OCT-06)

Written by Shahla Ismailova/HRH Baku; photos by Shahla Ismailova

Establishment of the HRH Baku
The process of establishment of HRH Baku started in 2004 with bringing the idea to Azerbaijan and discussing it with leading national and international organizations. During the passed years, the HRH Foundation and the Core Group organized a number of meetings, discussions with a several members of the Parliament (Samed Seyidov, Ali Huseynov, Guntakin Hajiyeva), Ombudsman (Elmira Suleymanova), representatives in the diplomatic corps, functioning in Azerbaijan (Royal Norwegian Embassy, US Embassy, UK Embassy), representatives of international organizations (such as Norwegian Refugees Council, Human Rights Watch, International Crisis Group, etc) as well as numerous human rights and media organizations of Azerbaijan. The idea was warmly greeted and the importance of establishing the international branch was stressed by all the sides, taking part in a series of meetings.

Core Group
The Core Group, consisting of 9 organizations, was formed in autumn 2004 due to the selection process by Human Rights House Foundation. The Board of the Human Rights House Baku will consist of leaders of the selected organizations, which are: Association of Women´s Rights Protection after D. Aliyeva (Novella Jafaroglu-Appelbaum); Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan (Eldar Zeynalov); Azerbaijan Young Lawyers Union (Ramil Iskenderov); Citizens ´s Labor Rights Protection League (Sahib Mamedov); “EL” Center for Development Program (Elmira Alekberova); Democracy, Human Rights and Media Monitor (Fuad Hasanov); Azerbaijan National Group of  International Society Human Rights (Saadat Bananyarli); Society for Humanitarian Research (Avaz Hasanov); Women’s Association for Rational Development (Shahla Ismailova).

First steps for registration
Having conducted a number of discussions on the structure, activities and position of the Human Rights House Baku, the leaders of 9 organizations signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the 21-st of October 2006, which regulates some important interrelations in the HRH Baku and between the organizations. The outline of the Statutes for Baku branch was discussed and recommendations were given.

All the relevant papers were submitted to the law firm, which will precede the registration procedure. The final pack of necessary documents for registration is expected to be prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Justice by the end of November 2006.