The 16th day of every month is a Day of Solidarity in Belarus. This time it is planned to hold actions near the embassies and missions of the Russian Federation all over the world. The initiators of the protest believe, the Russian Federation can demand Lukashenka stop repressions against political opponents and the civil society. (16-MAY-06)
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The initiative to hold Day of Solidarity started after policemen disbanded a protest rally on September 16, 2005 dedicated to the memory of the abducted in 1999 vice speaker of the Parliament Viktar Hanchar and public activist and businessman Anatoly Krasouski. Policemen seized portraits of disappeared politicians and national flags from the participants. At that moment one of the Zubr leaders Mikita Sasim raised his jeans shirt which later became as a symbol of resistance to dictatorship.
Since then, actions of solidarity are held in Belarus and worldwide. Thousands of Belarusians and friends of our country all over the world light candles of freedom in their windows, hold street actions of solidarity, tie jeans and white-red-white ribbons on their clothes, take part in flash-mobs and Internet-actions.
Candles near Embassy of the Russian Federation.
Initiators of holding Days of Solidarity have called upon Belarusian citizens and all those who are concerned over the fate of Belarus to come to the Embassy of the Russian Federation on the 16th of May and bring candles and portraits of Belarusian abducted and political prisoners and demand to stop support of the Belarusian regime.
Initiators of the Days of Solidarity note that out of all neighbouring countries, only the leadership of the Russian Federation had recognized the rigged results of the presidential elections in Belarus, and as before provides support to Lukashenka. However, the initiators of the protest believe, the Russian Federation can demand Lukashenka stop repressions against political opponents and the civil society.
Prisoners of conscience in prisons of Belarus are:
Autuhovich, Mikalay, Leader of the entrepreneur movement
Astreyka, Mikalay, Member of the civil initiative on election monitoring
Branitskaya, Enira, Member of the civil initiative on election monitoring
Dranchuk, Tsimafey, Member of the civil initiative on election monitoring
Zubro, Zmitser, Youth activist
Kazakou, Aliaksandr, Youth activist
Klimau, Andrey, Ex-MP of the Supreme Soviet of 13th convocation
Kazulin, Aliaksandr, Ex-candidate on the presidency
Levaneuski, Valery, Leader of the entrepreneur movement
Leshkevich, Siarhey, Activist of the Milinkevich headquarters
Nibiyko, Dzianis, Member of the civil initiative on election monitoring
Radzivil, Yury, Activist of Kazulin headquarters
Razumau, Mikalay, Activist of the trade-union movement
Sasim, Nikita, Youth leader
Seviarynets, Pavel, Youth leader
Skrabets, Siarhey, Ex-MP
Statkevich, Mikalay, Leader of the Belarusian social-democratic party “Narodnaya Hramada”
Finkevich, Arthur, Youth leader