Under the name Belarus16,  a unique coalition of 15 organisations, of which 13 were youth organisations, on 16 March showed their solidarity with the opposition in Belarus by organising a rally in the centre of Oslo. During the demonstration people were reminded of the fact that the political situation in Belarus, which is as far away from Norway as Belgium, is a European problem. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kjetil Skogrand said he is doing everything he can to liberate the people of Belarus. (16-MAR-06)

This article is written by HRH / Ralph Pluimert. Pictures: HRH / Ralph Pluimert

Belarus16 is a coalition of youth organisations, of which most are youth divisions of political parties, that represents almost the complete political spectrum in Norway. Organisations that in general disagree on more or less everything, find a common cause in their rejection of the Belarusian dictatorial regime. The coalition, which is also supported by the Human Rights House Foundation and the Helsinki Committee, is the Norwegian initiative related to the actions that every 16th day of the month are held worldwide in solidarity with the people in Belarus that suffer under the Lukashenka regime.

The rally was held in the centre of Oslo and was attended by approximately 200 people, of which most were under 25.  They listened to speeches of amongst others Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kjetil Skogrand and Berit Lindeman of the Helsinki Committee and live performances of the Norwegian musicians Ingrid Olava and BWY.

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