• Wolfgang Benedek Moscow Mechanism rapporteur
  • Maria Kurinna ZMINA Human Rights Centre, member of the Human Rights House Crimea and Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv
  • Antanina Maslyka Netherlands Helsinki Committee
  • Oleksandra Romantsova Centre for Civil Liberties and Euromaidan SOS**
  • Olga Skrypnyk Crimean Human Rights Group, member of Human Rights House Crimea, and 5:00am Coalition*
  • Moderated by Matthew Jones Human Rights House Foundation

*- 5:00am Coalition is a coalition of Ukrainian human rights organisations organised in March 2022 to document human rights violations and war crimes resulting from Russia’s renewed invasion of Ukraine.

**- Euromaidan SOS is a volunteer initiative coordinated by the Centre for Civil Liberties, originally formed in 2013-2014 to provide legal assistance to victims of Euromaidan and reconstituted in 2022 to provide assistance to people affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and document warm crimes.

Event description

On 3 March, 45 OSCE participating States invoked the Moscow Mechanism in order to “address the human rights and humanitarian impacts of the Russian Federation’s invasion and acts of war, supported by Belarus, on the people of Ukraine, within Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders and territorial waters.”

Three experts were appointed to report on the situation, specifically to 1) Establish the facts and circumstances surrounding possible contraventions of OSCE commitments, and violations and abuses of international human rights law and international humanitarian law; 2) Establish the facts and circumstances of possible cases of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including due to deliberate and indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure; and to collect, consolidate, and analyse this information with a view to presenting it to relevant accountability mechanisms, as well as national, regional, or international courts or tribunals that have, or may in future have, jurisdiction.

Following the publication of the report of the Moscow Mechanism, this event seeks to offer reflections from civil society to participating States on the report and its observations, next steps for following up on the report’s findings, and future use of the Moscow Mechanism within the context of new and additional international accountability mechanisms.

Organised by

  • Civic Solidarity Platform
  • CivilM Plus Platform
  • DRA e.V.
  • Human Rights House Foundation
  • Netherlands Helsinki Committee

Supported by

  • Centre for Civic Education “Almenda”
  • Center for Civil Liberties
  • Crimean Human Rights Group
  • Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv
  • Human Rights House Crimea
  • Norwegian Helsinki Committee
  • Regional Center for Human Rights
  • Zmina Human Rights Centre