Human Rights Watch next annual report contains serious critics towards the Azerbaijani government which has “a long-standing record of pressuring civil society groups and arbitrarily limiting critical   expression and political activism”. It has done so with a new intensity   following the October 2003 presidential elections, which international and   domestic observers said were marred by widespread fraud, reads the report. (14-JAN-2005)  

An environment of impunity for government officials implicated in acts of torture, excessive use of force, and election fraud, shows that the government did not seriously attempt the reconciliation that the international community was urging after the political and human rights crisis surrounding the presidential elections. Freedom of assembly for groups seen to be associated with the political opposition remains severely curtailed and independent and opposition press face major barriers to their work. 

Unfair charges over opposition activists
Trials of opposition supporters, accused of the 2003 post-election violence, did not comply with fair trail standards and showed once again how the authorities use the criminal justice system to discourage government critics.Over one hundred opposition party members and supporters were tried on charges relating to the post-election violence. Only four were released on   bail, the rest remained in pre-trial detention for up to six months.   Azerbaijani courts convicted all of the defendants, sentencing forty-six people to custodial sentences ranging from two to six years.

The remainder were released on three- to five-year suspended prison sentences. Opposition leaders in jailOn   October 22, the Court of Grave Crimes sentenced seven opposition leaders to between two and a half and five years in prison for their role in the post-election violence. According to local observers, prosecution   witnesses retracted their testimony in court, claiming that Ministry of Interior officials had tortured and coerced them into signing statements incriminating the defendants. Independent observers raised serious allegations of procedural abuses, including defendants’ restricted access to lawyers, and the admission of evidence in court that was based on confessions extracted under torture. Judges’ failure to address these deficiencies called into question, as in the past, the independence of the judiciary.

Torture by police
Torture, and excessive use of force by security forces are  widespread in Azerbaijan. Peaceful protests are frequently met with the   use of force and arbitrary arrest. Severe beatings at police stations are   outine and torture methods in pre-trial detention include electric shock and threats of rape. In 2004, the government failed to address these problems, perpetuating an environment of almost total impunity for security force abuses surrounding the October 2003 presidential elections.  Although international interlocutors repeatedly called on Azerbaijan to   investigate allegations of torture by the Organized Crime Unit of the  Ministry of Interior, and security forces’ use of excessive violence   during the protests following the elections, at the time of writing the   authorities had not prosecuted any cases.  

New political prisoners 
Azerbaijan is making some progress toward releasing or retrying political   prisoners, a long-standing problem. By July 2004, following several   amnesties in late 2003 and early 2004, the government had released   thirty-two political prisoners and agreed to retry eleven, from a Council   of Europe list of forty-five. However, the Council of Europe and local   groups maintained that additional political prisoners remain in custody, and that the recent imprisonment of opposition supporters, accused of the post-election violence, added to their ranks. The chance of a fair trial   for political prisoners facing retrial remains slim because of the lack of  an independent judiciary. The Council of Europe previously condemned  retrials of political prisoners as a “sham” controlled by the presidential  authorities rather than the judiciary.

Stifling oppositionists
The government attempts to tightly control civil society and pressures and harasses groups that are critical of government policies. In a dramatic   example of this tendency,the authorities tried Ilgar Ibrahimoglu, the head of the Center for the Protection of Conscience and Religious Freedom, and a government critic, for alleged participation in the post-election violence. In April 2004, a Baku court found him guilty and handed him a five-year suspended prison sentence, despite serious allegations that the charges were falsified. 

No independent media
Authorities use a variety of informal measures to prevent or limit news   critical of the government from reaching the public. Major television   outlets are either state-owned or affiliated and the government fully controls the issuing of radio and television broadcast licenses through a   licensing board that consists entirely of presidential appointees. The opposition and independent media are under constant pressure, through limited access to printing presses and distribution networks, imposition  of crippling fines from government-initiated defamation cases, and   harassment of journalists. Journalists and editors face the threat of physical assault by unknown attackers bent on intimidation. For example, on July 17, four masked men kidnapped the editor-in-chief of the independent Baki Khaber newspaper   and demanded that he cease his journalism work, beating him for two hours   before releasing him. Also at the end of July, an unknown assailant attacked a journalist for the Monitor, an independent weekly magazine. At the time of writing no one had been prosecuted for either attack. 

Results of the oil resource 
Construction on two new major oil and gas pipelines routed across  Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey is currently underway. The huge foreign  investment in these projects has focussed international attention on   issues of security and stability in the region, sometimes at the expense of human rights.     

Double standards on Azerbaijan
United States policy toward Azerbaijan has focused on military cooperation   and oil interests. Since 2001, U.S. military aid and cooperation has   increased significantly in Azerbaijan. The U.S. role in Azerbaijan has been   marred by inconsistent and sometimes weak responses to rights abuses, particularly in response to the 2003 presidential elections. In September 2004, the European Union (E.U.) and Azerbaijan met under the framework of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. Unfortunately, the E.U. failed to use this forum publicly to encourage human rights improvements, issuing a press release that did not raise human rights concerns. The Council of Europe has played a constructive role in attempting to address human rights problems in Azerbaijan, pressing for the release of political prisoners, greater pluralism, and devolutiony of political power   away from the presidency.The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is one of the   largest multilateral investors in Azerbaijan, having committed more than U.S. $473 million in projects. Although article 1 of the bank`s founding document commits the EBRD to promoting democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, the Bank did not raise human rights concerns during the human rights crisis surrounding the 2003 presidential elections.