A group of Azerbaijani human rights defenders have appealed to a number of international bodies and influential human rights groups, including Human Rights House Foundation (HRH) to help secure the release of convicted oppositionists. “An unfair sentence was handed down on the convicted opposition leaders, who were charged with organizing disorders during the presidential elections on October 15-16, 2003,” the human rights groups underlined in their appeal. (29 OCT 2004)

The Appeal runs:

To:   Mr. Peter Schieder, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Andreas Gross and Malcolm Bruce, Reporters of Council of Europe on Azerbaijan, Mr. Solomon Passi, Chairman of Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE, OSCE office Warsaw, Office for Democratic,Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), European Union,

“Human Rights House Foundation”,“Amnesty International”, “Human Rights Watch”, International Human Rights Protection, USA Department of State, UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, Embassies and International Organizations operating in Azerbaijan

   Esteemed Sirs!

On October 22, 2004 in the Court on Heavy Crimes of Azerbaijan Republic Arif Hajily (deputy chairman of “Musavat Party”, head of election headquarter of the candidate for presidency Isa Gambar, member of parliament and state advisor in 1992-93) and Rauf Arifoghlu (editor-in-chief of “Yeni Musavat” Newspaper, the most popular newspaper in the country) were sentenced for 5 years, Panah Huseyn (Leader of Popular Party, former Prime Minister) and Sardar Jalaloghlu (Head Secretary of Azerbaijan Democrat Party) for 4 years and 6 months, Ibrahim Ibrahimli (deputy chairman of “Musavat Party”, former Member of Parliament) and Igbal Aghazadeh (Leader of “Umid” Party, Member of Parliament) for 3 years and Etimad Asadov (Chairman of Union of Invalids of Garabagh War) for 2 years and 6 months of imprisonment in connection with the events happened in Baku on October 15-16, 2003 after Presidential Elections. We think that the verdict is illegal and baseless. Because the crime mentioned in the accusation of the opposition leaders didn’t happen in general.

The trial proved that the clashes happened between the opposition and authorities last year after the Presidential elections were characterized as only violation of some social laws, but not mass action against government. Besides, none of the accusations made against the opposition leaders was proved in the court. Contrary to it opposition leaders could prove their innocence with the real testimonies, evidences and arguments during the trial. It was revealed that Arif Hajili, Ibrahim Ibrahimli and other arrested people tried to liquidate the violence and called people not to cast stones, stop violence and keep silence during the events. Their speeches in this direction were demonstrated by the video during the trial. In spite of this the court implementing the will of the government of Azerbaijan falsified the testimonies, and evidences and made illegal verdict. The violation of the law was in such level that the defendants were even deprived of right to make speech in their protection. The international observers from different organizations made statement on that the trial is not held in accordance with the international standards. We think that such careful, and non-principal attitude towards this matter creates opportunity to the regime to carry out new crimes in Azerbaijan.

We consider the verdict of the court of Azerbaijan Republic made on the trial of opposition leaders as the repression act and demand the punishment to the regime not following to the requirement of the international organizations on stopping criminal pursuing the political prisoners and releasing them.

We think that each of arrested 7 opposition leaders is not only political prisoners, but also prisoners of consciousness. Each of them is arrested for their political belonging and the regular and continuous struggle against the crimes of dynasty regime in Azerbaijan. These leaders were always against violence during their political activities, and didn’t make or called to any violence during the events they were arrested for. Contrary to it they tried to liquidate the violence and called people to stop violence.

Taking into consideration all the mentioned facts we request to recognize Arif Hajili, Panah Huseyn, Rauf Arifoghlu, Sardar Jalaloghlu, Igbal Aghazadeh, Ibrahim Ibrahimli and Etimad Asadov as the political prisoners, prepare all the necessary documents for this, and revealing them.


Members of Monitoring Group of Human Rights Protection Organizations:   

1.      Novella Jafaroghlu

2.      Saida Gojamanli

3.      Chingiz Ganizadeh

4.      Arzu Abdullayeva

Members of Federation of Azerbaijan Human Rights Protection Organizations:

1.      Leyla Yunus

2.      Eldar Zeynalov

3.      Zaliha Tahirova

4.      Mirvari Gahramanli

5.      Avaz Hasanov


Murad Sadaddinov and Rena Sadaddinova,

Human Rights and democracy Development Fund

Vugar Gojayev,

Coordinator of Human Rights House Foundation in Azerbaijan

 Fuad Hasanov,

Chairman “Against Violence” Human Rights Protection Center

Vagif Hajibeyli,

Chairman of Committee for the Protection of Rights of Prisoners of October 15-16

 Saftar Nahmatli,

Coordinator of Committee for the Struggle Against Election Fraudulence and Political Repressions

Elchin Behbudov,

Chairman of Committee for Struggle Against Tortures