Director of the Human Rights House “Russian Research Center for Human Rights”, Vinogradova Lubov (picture), says that the human rights defenders of the Center are deeply disappointed with the Russian authorities´ reaction to the tragic events in Beslan. (08-SEP-04)

More specifically, it is the behaviour of the authorities, giving false information concerning antiterrorist actions, inaccurate estimates of the numbers of both hostages and terrorists, terrorists captured and escaped, and, most seriously, numbers of wounded and killed, that has caused widespread dissatisfaction.

Objective investigation
The situation now calls for new ways of interaction with authorities, says Vinogradova. -It is necessary to carry out an objective investigation of what really happened in Beslan, and also make sure the results of this investigation are made publicly available. Finally, we have to do all we can to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.

Real steps
Central human rights defenders, including Alexander Verkhovsky (Center SOVA),Tanya Lokshina and Sergei Lukashevsky (Center “Demos”), Andrei Blinushov and Julia Sereda (Human Rights Online; the Ryazan Memorial), Natalia Taubina ( Public Verdict Foundation; Foundation for Civic Society), Yuri Dzhibladze and Anna Sevortyan (Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights), Natalia Samover (Historian) issued a statement, concerning the critical situation caused by the recent terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation:

“In these days of mourning over the victims of the tragedy in Beslan, we grieve the departed together with their relatives and friends, together with all citizens of the Russian Federation. There are no words to express our pain and anger. In a series of terrorist attacks from the end of August until the beginning of September we lost hundreds of people. The murders of peaceful citizens -especially children- cannot and will not be justified. Mourning over victims and commiserating with their families, we demand from the government to undertake, at last, some real steps to protect Russians from terrorism.

Serious reform
In his statement of September, 4, 2004, President Putin has declared the necessity of essentially new approaches to the activity of law enforcement bodies. We consider that the elaboration of these approaches and their implementation should be as transparent for the society as possible. In particular, it is necessary to create a parliamentary commission to investigate the events in Beslan and to give publicity to its conclusions. The country doesn´t need another rearrangement of officials, but a serious reform of the power structures who, at the moment, are not capable of protecting the right of our citizens to life.

The development of a national antiterrorist policy means, first of all, a wide and open public discussion and steadfast civil control. In this connection we welcome the statement by the President not to step beyond the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Only adherence to the principles of democracy and observance of fundamental human rights on which our organic law is based will make possible our victory over terror.

Normalization necessary
However, amplifications of security measures and a reform of law enforcement bodies alone will not do. It is time to recognize the close connection between the growth of terrorism and the situation in the Chechen Republic and its surroundings. The base of terror can be reduced only by restoring legality in the actions of power structures, bringing to justice the perpetrators in severe crimes against the civilians (no matter which side they are on) and the real, not ostentatious, normalization of the sociopolitical and economic situation in the Chechen Republic.

The right to life
Now, it is very important for state and society not to give in to provocation or concede to the temptation to give simple answers to complicated questions – to interpret terrorism as an inter-ethnic or inter-religious opposition. Such an interpretation not only morally decomposes a society. It also leads to infringements of the rights of citizens and to new flashes of violence, and may also multiply real conflicts and reduce the efficiency of countering terrorism.

The crime committed by the terrorists in Beslan – unprecedented in its cynicism and cruelty – is more than reason good enough for the formulation and realization of a really effective antiterrorist policy, capable of providing the most fundamental of human rights – the right to life.”

This statement can be signed by any individual or a representative of a
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Photo: Maria Paramonova